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Yearly Payment for Email


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I tried searching for this, but haven't found any info..

Is there a notice sent to me, reminding me to pay the yearly fee for SpamCop mail? I've only had it for 3 or 4 months, but I've been wondering how I'll remember to pay the fee next go around.


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You should start getting weekly reminder emails when your account has less than three weeks left, on Sunday mornings at 3:17am ET (at least I did). You can check when your account expires by logging into webmail and selecting "Options / Mail Management / SpamCop Options / SpamCop Tools / Select your email forwarding, change your password or mail reports" (or browsing with SSL or HTTP) and looking at the "Expires" field in the top left corner. The reminders will, of course, stop once you've paid for another year at SpamCop Email System Account Renewal.

Revised 2005/03/19 00:30 EST by Jeff G. to reflect new information from the latest set of renewal emails, as well as the renewal URL.

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