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spamvertised mailhost

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If the IP of one of my mailhosts is the same as the IP of a spamvertised link to one of my web sites, will spamcop recognise that fact and inhibit displaying a checkbox to report the mailhost, or, will it display a report checkbox in the normal way? i.e. does spamcop only recogise message sources as mailhosts or spamvertised sites as well?

For example "We have added <your web site> to our web site..."

Where <your web site> is a http link to my web site and has the same IP as one of my mailhosts.


Colin J

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You must use proper terminology ... You start talking about an IP (Internet Protocol address) normally described as the numeric address assigned to some identity on a network that uses TCP/IP. But then you slide into talking about a spamvertised website, which would normally be described as the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the web-site. Then you bring in the term mailhost (while posting into the MailHost Configuration Forum) so I am not at all sure exactly what you might actually be trying to describe or include in your definition of "mailhost"

So from the top, your spam submittal is analyzed for its source. That source is derived from looking at / for the IP address of the system that the spam flowed through, attempting to find the IP address of the origination point.

The spam is then looked at for other spammy items, in this case, the spamvertised web-site. Various look-ups are attempted to find a reporting address for someone responsible for the hosting of that web-site. There is nothing there to tie a web-site to "you" ... The decision of whether it is a spammy web-site or innocent bystander is supposed to be part of your decision process in agreeing with and selecting the appropriate targets for your report. The receiving ISP also has the means to make a call on the status / description of the web-site involved, perhaps taking action by setting the flag to call it an Innocent Bystander or nuking it.

Your SpamCop MailHost configuration (if you actually did this) only concerns itself with the e-mail systems involved in the transfer and handling of the e-mail itself.

I'm actually suspecting that this Topic will end up over in the Help Forum, but ...???

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Hi Wazoo,

Your SpamCop MailHost configuration (if you actually did this) only concerns itself with the e-mail systems involved in the transfer and handling of the e-mail itself.

Thanks, that answers my question.

I was hoping that the mailhost information was also used to inhibit a reporting checkbox to my ISP in the context of spamvertised links when appropriate.


Colin J

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