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spamcop errors recently encountered


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I have recently (in the past several months) been encountering more errors than usual when forwarding emails to SpamCop from my Hotmail account.

My usual procedure for sending spam to SpamCop is:

I have message headers set to display in "advanced" mode (complete MIME headers).

I click on "view email message source" , copy the resulting text/content, and paste the result into the body of a new mail message which I send on to Spamcop. I have been supplied (by SpamCop) with an address to forward spam to SpamCop.

Sometimes this works, but quite frequently now I get the following error message:

SpamCop encountered errors while saving spam for processing:

Message forwarded in html wrapper.

When forwarding spam, use a MIME attachment or text-type message with

the spam enclosed. Do not send spam in HTML format. Sometimes this

error is caused by using a "resend" feature to forward spam.

HTML spam should be sent in text (source code) format.

I also am getting a lot of errors regarding "unable to parse body/head".

Any suggestions about ways I can fix this would be greatly appreciated. Down with spammers!

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I'm going to start with referring you to a recent Topic at http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=3047

I'd make an assumption that with all your specifics about numerous settings, you are probably talking about some web-mail application. But, assumptions don't work very well. What would be of real value is defining the background / basics apps in use, and including the Tracking URL of one of the problem submittals. Only then can someone talk to your specific issues.

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I'm going to start with referring you to a recent Topic at http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=3047

I'd make an assumption that with all your specifics about numerous settings, you are probably talking about some web-mail application.  But, assumptions don't work very well.  What would be of real value is defining the background / basics apps in use, and including the Tracking URL of one of the problem submittals.  Only then can someone talk to your specific issues.



As I noted in my original post, the web-mail application I am using is Hotmail. I am not sure where the tracking URL in the problem submittal is located; could you tell me, in general, of what form it would be? Is it the "message ID"? In this case it would be "BAY14-F238F4F0FEB674ED339911D95C10[at]phx.gbl".

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Tracking URL - defined in the glossary (within the FAQ here) .. also self-identified in a parsing result ...

Am e-mail ... basically defined as a header block, a blank line, and the message body.

Your suggested submittal - a header, a blank line, another header, another blank line, a body .... result being parser gets confused.

Error message "Message forwarded in html wrapper" indicates that you are not sending e-mail as "Plain-Text" .. you need to re-configure your e-mail application.

As you are already doing a cut/paste, why not try this directly into the (logged in) page at www.spamcop.net and see what happens.

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