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Anti-Spam forum


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Many have discussed spamfighting in the lounge and others will probably input their feelings about it. There is no other forum on spamcop for such unless you use the main spamcop newsgroup. There are a few purists there though that believe it must be related to spamcop but the definition of the newsgroup is about spamfighting _and_ Spamcop.

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  • 1 month later...
...Awesome!  Surely it won't be long now before hell freezes over....  :) <g>


About the same time Dubya will realize that alienating almost the entire world is a very bad policy.
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Hm... would this forum... be your basic RANT type forum? Or, would it be spam in relation to _____ (Fill Blank in)


Well, cos, GrrRgRgRgRgRgRg... ARRRRRRGH, I am just getting SO much blamspam that I will at any moment turn into a postal worker (NO OPFFENSE to postal workers heh) and go after the NEXT person who sends me one of three types of blamspam:

1) The type of spam, which is EMPTY (But, sometimes has YOUR name and address in the reply-to box)

2) The type of blamspam that says something like "Hi I am the deposed KING of Nigeria and I need thousands of bucks to get my regime started back up"

3) Very Cleverly Created "MESSAGES" from "PAYPAL" which actually DO refer back to Paypal: But, actually, to a Pay Pal ACCOUNT which is set up to SIPHON all of your money!

:( Grr, Gr Gr Gr Gr GRRR! :angry:

I do freelance computer repair... This includes, creating systems form my clients. Usually said clients want from three to 5 puters set up, which is easy enough if you use Windows Networking- and you install IPX/SPX and NetBios and all the other goodies that enable you to operate MS Windows programs across a network.

I have specific software that I install for specific clientele, and this package requires the installation of a Microsoft Database File that is protected unless you use the shell program designed to allow the user to interact with it.

It would be an understatement to mention that this is a VERY sensitive file- SO, let us assume, this guy wants FIVE computers, he ALWAYS wants ONE of them to connect to the net- So I end up using a Router, and you program the ROUTER to log in to the DSL account, instead of using the SBC Connection "Mangler" (Manager) and or that stupid "Enternet300" program...

Anyway, if I am browbeaten into installing this for the client, I ALWAYS convince them, or try to at least, to only have the DSL running on ONE 'puter. So what do these guys do RIGHT-AFTER I leave? They connect ALL of the systems to DSL.

So, they call me about one week later "Hey Mon! Yo-Sup! Some of these computers are Kaputen!" - So an onsite inspection REVEALS that each computer has a virus. The VIRUSES came... Not from EMAIL like was so true about three years ago... But the VIRII are being fed INTO the computers STRAIGHT from the web page.

So, since I did NOT set UP these computers for Net, and there were NO protective measures installed... These systems be HOSED like Harry's Whorehouse!

Now, these guys get PISSED off when I hand them the bill: 50 bucks per COMPUTER. Well, they get Religious about installing Ad- Aware and Kaspersky AVP REAL quick.

Actually, I have found some parasite programs that do NOT come out with Ad Aware... Unless you run Ad Aware 5 times in a row. And, THEN I have to run AVP at least TWICE to get rid of most of the garbage... And sometimes, all of the garbage is NOT taken out!

So, more and more: My TIME is being USED UP for Virus-Removal: instead of installing the Programs I am being PAID to install.

Sorry, but I do NOT have three days in a row to drive 75 miles from my house to install this stuff... THAT kind of stuff gets TEDIOUS! Also, if I have to spend MORE than 4 hours at ONE site... I remember when I Used to do my installs and walk out with de cash in 20 minutes.

So, I have every reason to use a shotgun as a BRAIN-REMOVAL DEVICE for these jerkarsejacks that DESIGN these FOOKIN things! But Hold On... I would NOT ever do that to a human being even if he IS the lowest scum of the galaxy, designing Virii™ and spam® for the fruity-poop brand "FREE-EYEPOD" Viral, and Hoo Boy, do I mean VIRAL. marketing scheme.

I do declare this rant to be compleatly OVAH... It's OVAH cos it's OVAH.

Thank you, fellow Spamcoppers, for indulging my Rant-or-arium...

Please join me next month for my exposé... xXx Rated Sites: which ones have the BEST INVISIBLE Parasite-Installers?

Thank you and Good Knight!

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Hi, weAponX!

Hm... would this forum... be your basic RANT type forum?



...Among other purposes, yes. If we gave them out, I'd nominate you for rant of the month! :) <g>

Well, cos, GrrRgRgRgRgRgRg... ARRRRRRGH, I am just getting SO much blamspam that I will at any moment turn into a postal worker (NO OPFFENSE to postal workers heh)



...You're not the only one! :D <big g>

and go after the NEXT person who sends me one of three types of blamspam:


2) The type of blamspam that says something like "Hi I am the deposed KING of Nigeria and I need thousands of bucks to get my regime started back up"


...That's known as a 419 spam.
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