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spammed at reporting address, ramifications?


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I got this spam (below) yesterday and it's to #########[at]reports.spamcop.net

(yes, # = a number).

I reported it just fine in spamcop.

  • How long are these addresses open?
  • Does this happen often?
  • Any other info anyone cares to share?

I'm sorry that I don't exactly know what to ask, but I guess I just want to know if I (or spamcop) should be concerned about it. My initiall reaction is that it's not a big deal.

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Return-Path: <spamcop[at]devnull.spamcop.net>
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Reply-To: "Dick Howard" <spkeumlmqmncsd[at]verizon.net>
From: "Dick Howard" <spkeumlmqmncsd[at]verizon.net>
To: <#########[at]reports.spamcop.net>
Subject: Revollutionaary and new peenjs enlaargment tool! rice
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 08:36:59 +0200
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ok, so I got another one -- does anyone at spamcop want to know the addresses they're comming in on? I'll PM them to you (and the full source, too) if you want them.

ok, so I got another one -- does anyone at spamcop want to know the addresses they're comming in on?  I'll PM them to you (and the full source, too) if you want them.


We don't need any more copies of them -- we have lots and lots! You should stop receiving them but if you do get any more just report them. Julian made some changes that should help significantly with the problem.


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