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email address included in fake links


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Periodically I find the user name portion of my email address and sometimes the entire address including the domain embedded in fake links within the spam email. SpamCop, of course, can't resolve these links, but they aren't munged out. This appears to be a method for the spammer to track the source of munged reports. Is it acceptable to manually remove these fake links from the report?

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Faq entry answers this.  In the FAQ "here" look for the words in RED "Rules - everybody read! "


Thanks - I shouldn't have missed that. Is it possible to edit the SpamCop reports before they are sent or do I have to HTMS edit the spam email before submitting it?

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To quote the FAQ

It is okay to munge your personal email address contained within links in the body of the spam, if SpamCop does not find and munge them, with one exception. If a report is going to an abuse desk that does not accept munged reports, you must not make even these minor changes to the spam.
The editing needs to be done after the spam is submitted but before it is reported.
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To quote the FAQ  The editing needs to be done after the spam is submitted but before it is reported.


That is technically impossible. However, if you see your email address while reporting and all of the intended recipients accept munged reports, you can copy the entire spam, cancel that report, paste the entire spam back in, munge, and submit for reporting again. I voluntarily stopped munging some months ago, with no more ill effects than others who didn't, but with less labor on my part and no more complaints about the munging.
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