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When "trird party" is actually original reporter.


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I purposely add an account at my domain for archiving all reports I make. Is it possible to

default such a "third party" check box to be already checked (saving a few seconds for the

majority of cases where I don't have to examine the full message, just the Subject header

or recognize the URLs (about 1/2 to 2/3 or the time)?

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First glance .. please don't use confusing titles/descriptions .... there is a known subject of "third-party reports" but it appears that you are probably talking about user-added report target addresses, in this case, also probably added under the Preferences settings .... just saying that this is a long way from a "third-party notification" when used in reference to a SpamCop report/parsing action.

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I wish it were possible to have the Checkbox for the contents of "Personal copies of outgoing reports" permanently checked, and for those contents to be more than one email address, but it's not currently possible. Sorry.

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