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Long delays before confimation message


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In just the past few days, I've noticed that the time between my MTA "auto-reporting" a spam and the time I receive the message to confirm it climb from a few minutes or even ten minutes, up to several hours. Today serveral came in hours after being sent (sent as attachments using the recommended "DeathToSpamDeathToSpamDeathToSpam" perl scri_pt format). This morning, one took three hours and another seven hours to appear. Is there currently a problem or overload? Note: they do all eventually seem to appear (except just one yesterday); I'm just used to checking about 10 minutes after I know the cron job will have submited them - hence my "average" reporting time says 1 hour and is probably less.

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I jjust posted a remark over in http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=3558 .. but noting that this doesn't cover a "few days" time-frame.  But I can also state that the other complaints / notifies / queries about this only started last night also ..????


My few days was probably misleading - it started for me late yesterday morning, local time (would have been night for GMT).

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