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:angry: Everytime I try to report saved spam using REPORT I invariably get a (nothing to do) alert because the report is over 2 days old...or so it says. Yet when I report the same spams through HELD MAIL it goes through normally. This happens every single time. What's up? Yeah I know, all I have to do is not to use REPORT QUEUED MAIL but was just wondering why the glitch when I do.

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I think you are being confused and I am also not 100% sure which part of the applications you are talking about. The following is stated making certain assumptions. Please correct me where I may be wrong to get a better answer.

First for my confusion: There are 2 ways to access your held mail mesages and report them directly from spamcop web pages.

If you are at the Held Email page (http://mailsc.spamcop.net/reportheld?action=heldlog'>http://mailsc.spamcop.net/reportheld?action=heldlog) of the reporting site, you are in what is also known as VER (Very Easy Reporting). You can also access and report your Held Mail folder from within the webmail application itself using the "Report as spam" link. (http://webmail.spamcop.net/horde/imp/heldmail.php?mailbox=INBOX.Held+Mail&1=1/)

A.If you are within webmail and not asked/gotten approved for quick reporting, clicking the Report as spam link does not send the report right out but submits it for later reporting. If you are within VER and use one of the Queue for reporting links, again, it is submitted for later reporting.

If you are within VER and choose the quick reporting option or have quick reporting enabled from within webmail, reports are sent straight out, but you will not see the Report spam link on the reporting page (http://mailsc.spamcop.net/ or http://www.spamcop.net/).

What I think is happening due to your description and many other people having the same misunderstanding, is that you have done the first part of reporting by submitting your spam for reporting (A. above) but did not go back to the reporting page to click the link (or follow the link in the email confirmation you should have received) to review where spamcop wants to send YOUR reports and click the link to send them. What has now happened is that all the reports still waiting to be reported are too old. You can plow through them or click the link to remove all unreported spam and start again, making sure to complete the process within 48 hours.

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EZ1 ... your last was nothing but an entire quote of Steven's response ... I saw no "new" content, so it's hard telling what you meant to say there .... Perhaps taking a look at an entry in the "How to use .." Forum / SpamCop Forum .... there's an explanation about the actual functions of the various "Reply" buttons might help ... anyway, either edit your last to actually add your comments or delete that post .... (I'll delete it in a while if it's not fixed)

(EZ1 notified via PM, asked to revisit this Topic)

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When reporting using the (Held mail) option everything works as it always did.

OK, small steps here. What is the URL of the page you are on when you are "using the (Held mail) option".

When I Queue the mail to report later and then use (report) to report and trash the spam

Again, what URL are you at for this portion. The reason I ask is what you describe is NOT what is actually happening.

Please be very specific on the URL's you are at and the actual links you are clicking becuase something is missing here.

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Wazoo...That Steven quote reply was a mistake on my part...I apologize..I'm kinda tech challenged with this new format.

Not exactly sure about what's covered in "this new format" .. JT blew the bucks on buying the license for this thing, took advantage of that money including IPB folks doing the install ... and during that install, versions were bumped up a couple of notches, some 'defaults' changes, some icons changed ... but in general ...???

The last time I requested forum help the setup was entirely different

Some of this (I think) you can blame on me of course ... JT turned me loose on this thing (note that this came with the "within reason" caveat <g>) .. So yes, Forum sections have been added .. with a bit of push <g> I rearranged things a bit, have even modified some bits of code here and there

I added the "button confusion" entry into the "How to use .." Forum after reading all the complaints (and suggestions of how to fix) this issue in the IPB support Forum. (Some talking of removing some buttons, others talking about creating new and/or re-labelling some buttons, etc.) But my real concern actually deals with disk space. I've no idea how much system resource has been made available to this application, and one thing I'd like to stay clear of is getting to the point where old posts will get deleted ro make space for new posts. And this problem of some folks doing the full-quote of the posting that's already sitting right on screen is a tremendous waste of disk space.

When one hits one of the buttons that includes the "quote" option, that original quoted part is placed within that response box for one to edit it .. in addition to typing in a response. So basically, if one was responding to a specific sentence, only that sentence should remain in the "quoted" selection.

Now thinking I should add some of this to a new Topic over in the "How to use.." Forum as yet another item no one reads <g>

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Yeah...Me Bad...For jumping in to post before fully acquainting meself with the procedures...and relying upon what I previously thought were logical steps, that evidently proved false

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