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Is there a way to view the reported mail again?


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Hey folks,

can you tell me if there is a way to see the source of the reported mail again?

I noticed that in »Past Reports« I can see the reports and contacted addresses, but not the spam mail that was reported.

Thanks for your help and best regards

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1 hour ago, bolandross said:

can you tell me if there is a way to see the source of the reported mail again?

I have a paid subscriber account and can up to 90 days
Click the TAB "Past reports" then click the link "View recent reports"
can only read my reports


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@bolandross, have you clicked on [View Recent Reports] and tried yourself? Just curious.

Anyway, there are different "forms" of reports

the ones not yet filed:


Submitted: 4/30/2019, 6:45:46 AM -0500:
IRS Fresh Start Initiative Programs Before They Expire
No reports filed

as you can see, there's no link

and then, filed:


depending on how and what you clicked to report the spam, the links provided will vary

  • here, the first few links are just URL parses which point to the owner/administrator/abuse desk of the serving IP address of the spamvertised websites,
  • then you might have a personal link if you request one in [Preferences]. There you can add notes, or see how the spam was parsed (Tracking URL)
  • and then you might have one or more for the spam source ip address, where you can see
    a) the full spam (depending on your settings with the email address munged) and
    b) a link to how the spam was parsed (again, Tracking URL) (in the above, ending in 50, I replaced the link with the tracking URL because otherwise you wouldn't be able to see anything)
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If you have available the Tracking URL for the reported email, you can follow that link and see the full email (header & body) and where spam reports were sent,

If you email the spam as an attachment used your "Submit" address you received an email, the top of witch is


SpamCop is now ready to process your spam.

Use links to finish spam reporting (members use cookie-login please!):

If you used the web form to submit your spam at the top of the screen you will see


SpamCop v 5.0.0 © 2019 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Here is your TRACKING URL - it may be saved for future reference:


In both cases if you ARE NOT logged into you reporting account following the Tracking URL will show you the full email.

Counterintuitive I know that you need to be logged out to see the full email. It is what it is

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I am reasonably sure it depends on whether you are looking at your own or someone else's Tracking URL.

1 hour ago, MIG said:

Are 'full email" & "entire message" two different things?


1 hour ago, MIG said:


Aren't we all??

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4 hours ago, Lking said:

1. Looking at your own or someone else's Tracking URL.

2. No

Hey Master & all who are on this one:


If I'm logged out, doesn't that take away the "ownership" element?

  • Anyone like to pitch me a couple of TURLs so I can test further pleeeze...?

& [View entire message]

Logged in:


 entire msg visible


Logged out:


 entire msg visible



No is not an answer, well not for a G🦗H, anyways, if 'full email" & "entire message" aren't the same, what's the difference pleeze? 

Always learning G🦗H🙃

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4 hours ago, Lking said:

Aren't we all??

Might be I'm a deluded G🦗H but, I'm of the belief Master, you rarely spend any time in a state of confusion, not becoming for a Master, 'n, last time I read "The Road to becoming (a) Master", worth reading, recommend to all;  the 1st chapter was how not to be confused, 'n the 2nd chapter was, if you fail chapter 1, how to convince everyone you passed... 

🙇 G🦗H 🙇  - does anyone/everyone know when the male bowing emoji is selected, it transforms into a female bowing emoji 🤔? That's a whole new discussion.


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5 minutes ago, Lking said:

Fake it tell you make it.  

But we diverge from the OP

FITYMI = 😂, n, G🦗H's always diverge, try hopping everywhere, you'll find out.. I'm happy to get back OT, got a few spare TURLs so I can test, n answers to my ?s pleeeze Master?

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23 hours ago, bolandross said:

1. can you tell me if there is a way to see the source of the reported mail again?

2. I noticed that in »Past Reports« I can see the reports and contacted addresses, but not the spam mail that was reported.

Hey @bolandross

Is this what you see?717747227_SCREPORTS.jpg.c3b619df4323ccbb72569a0cba3076d2.jpg

If yes, have you filled in your email address in: https://www.spamcop.net/mcgi?action=showadvanced [PREFERENCES][Personal copies of outgoing reports] ?

If you've not done so, please enter your email address, select [SAVE], log out, log back in, parse a spam, see if the info you need is available? 

If it is, please let us know & if no, please let us know & please include the Spamcop Tracking URL?



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Hey and thanks for your help.

In my recent reports section, the reports look like this:


I noticed that clicking on the first link (69494888809) shows a site that doesn't contain the source code of the reported mail, but clicking on the other two links shows a site that does!

To the time I asked the question, I only had tried the first one, thinking that all three would be the same. My case is therefore closed, thank you!

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18 minutes ago, bolandross said:

Clicking on the first link (69494888809) shows a site that doesn't contain the source code of the reported mail, but clicking on the other two links shows a site that does!

Super!!! Good digging BolandrossThanks for posting back, much appreciated. 

Your information will help others as well as you & me! Happy, happy, joy, joy!

Cheers, G🦗H

Master, Forum Admins

 🦗 doing cartwheels & high 5 emojis required please?


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19 hours ago, bolandross said:

Hey and thanks for your help.

In my recent reports section, the reports look like this:


I noticed that clicking on the first link (69494888809) shows a site that doesn't contain the source code of the reported mail, but clicking on the other two links shows a site that does!

To the time I asked the question, I only had tried the first one, thinking that all three would be the same. My case is therefore closed, thank you!

That's correct, in your case, the first link is basically just a link parser equivalent, and nothing more, although the report to the telegram . org abuse desk will contain the complete spam for parsing (munged if your settings have it so selected)

The next ones are targeting the source of the spam, and will contain the full, yet probably munged, headers and message body.

Glad we could help 🙂


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