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SpamCop should be sued for business interference


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I completely agree. These idiots think they are some kind of god. They mess with the flow of emil to and from my business and think they bare no respocibilty. The false reporting is a joke. I can't even find an email address on the entire site. I am a Network Manager and have informed my ISP that I will be taking my business elsewhere because they subsribe to this service.

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These idiots think they are some kind of god. They mess with the flow of emil to and from my business and think they bare no respocibilty. The false reporting is a joke. I can't even find an email address on the entire site. I am a Network Manager and have informed my ISP that I will be taking my business elsewhere because they subsribe to this service.

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These idiots think they are some kind of god. They mess with the flow of emil to and from my business and think they bare no respocibilty. The false reporting is a joke. I can't even find an email address on the entire site. I am a Network Manager and have informed my ISP that I will be taking my business elsewhere because they subsribe to this service.

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These idiots think they are some kind of god. They mess with the flow of emil to and from my business and think they bare no respocibilty. The false reporting is a joke. I can't even find an email address on the entire site. I am a Network Manager and have informed my ISP that I will be taking my business elsewhere because they subsribe to this service.


Congratulations, you've managed to get yourself added to a number of personal blocklists based on your cartoony threat.

Had you spent any time reading the FAQs you would have seen that SpamCop blocks nothing. SpamCop simply publishes a list of IP addresses that service providers are free to use as they wish. In fact, SpamCop recommends that the list NOT be used for blocking, but be used for filtering instead. Of course many ISPs, such as yours, are fed up with the costs of accepting over 50% of their mail that is spam, so instead they're simply blocking spammy IP addresses.

Should you have any desire for assistance, rather than just ranting, please post the IP address in question and we can provide you some additional assistance for the blocking and I am POSITIVE that you will find that there is a legitimate reason for the blocking and perhaps will work to correct the problem. That would be a much more efficient use of your energy.


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Ranting....Seem you started your responce well, stating that I will be blocked. I welcome being blocked by close-minded individuals. But when you affect my business you affect my life and that of my employees. You do not have the right to do that. You have already wasted too much of my time. It does not take a long look through a Google search to see the havoc SpamCop is causing.

Your explanation is similar to "Sure I made the poison. I even admit giving it to them. But I did not make them drink." Like I previously stated you have do not believe you bare any responsability.

Further I will make sure everyone I come in contact with will know of your horrors.

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What business has been affected, at what IP Address?

Can you post a sample bounce message or errant SpamCop Report?

Have you asked your correspondence to whitelist you on their side?


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I would be adviseable to have the live person link on the homepage so people do not have to get frustrated trying to find the information. Most users are not savvy enough to figure any of this out. I am a System Administartor and do not have the time to deal with this. Your webpages are not well laid out and information is difficult to find.

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These idiots think they are some kind of god. They mess with the flow of emil to and from my business and think they bare no respocibilty. The false reporting is a joke. I can't even find an email address on the entire site. I am a Network Manager and have informed my ISP that I will be taking my business elsewhere because they subsribe to this service.


Actually, a lot of us are sysadmins that report thousands of spams per day coming to our domains. You can take your business elsewhere, but instead of an ISP that uses SpamCop to filter, you may get one that is constantly listed by SpamCop, and have to move yet again because mail from you is being blocked because of your choice of ISPs.

Good Luck.


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The false reporting is a joke.

I would like to see some proof of this. In the past, when false reports have been made, the block is lifted and the reporter is warned, fined, or has their reporting privliges revoved permanently, depending on the case.

I can't even find an email address on the entire site.

There are plenty of ways to contact spamcop, all spelled out in the FAQ either on the www.spamcop.net web site or within this forum (the pinned item at the top that says read before posting). This forum is the primary one and you seemed to find it. If you would be more specific in your needs, possibly posting the IP which has been falsely reported, we could point you to a specific entry or address.

You could also follow the link on the bottom of www.spamcop.net "Policies and Disclaimers", "Dispute Resolution", "To appeal a listing, please use this form".

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I would be adviseable to have the live person link on the homepage so people do not have to get frustrated trying to find the information.

There are only a few paid staff to handle the things that can not be dealt with here in the forums. You HAVE found the primary form of support for spamcop. If you are on a list, there is a reason that needs to be addressed, by YOU, before you will be automatically removed from the list. That action may be to tighten down the security on your server, it may be to modify the way bounces are handled (the most recent problems seen), it may be to contact your ISP and complain that they are harboring spammers. When the spam stops, the address is automatically removed from the list, no action on your part is necessary.

I am a System Administartor and do not have the time to deal with this.
Then you may start to find yourself on more BL's which you may never get off of. Good luck with that.
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This may be your full-time job but it is certainly not mine.

I assure you nobody, including the moderators, who has posted in these forums has this as their full-time job. The only full-time employees have the spamcop avatar next to their names, but they are very busy and have not been seen here recently. As seen at the top of every page here: The primary mode of support here is peer-to-peer, meaning users helping other users. (please remember this at all times!)

Also, as a network manager, it actually should be part of your full-time job to see that your network is not sending messages to people who never requested them. I know that is part of MY job as a network manager. There is a reason that IPs are added to the BL. It is because someone reported receiving spam from it. If you would post an IP address you feel is blocked, we could deal with specifics.

You do a disservice to the business community.
Actually, many more people consider this an important service to keep messages coming from IP addresses known to spam away from the end users.

Doing a little bit of research on your posting IP (not your email IP), I find it is not in any blacklists, but is sending email in great quantities, much more than it's own normal average.

Volume Statistics for this IP

Magnitude Vol Change vs. Average

Last day 2.5 4387%

Last 30 days 1.9 810%

Average 0.8

Date of first message seen from this address 2005-03-10

This usually indicated that it is infected by some kind of virus or worm or that it is a new IP address that just started to be used.

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You are wasting my time. This may be your full-time job but it is certainly not mine. You do a disservice to the business community.


The diservice is done by the likes of you who chose to ignore security and configuration issues leading to spam that affects all people on the net, business or otherwise.

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These idiots think they are some kind of god.

No, they think they are stopping the flow of spam and they are doing a great job!

They mess with the flow of emil to and from my business and think they bare no respocibilty.

Spamcop messes with nothing. Spamcop is only a list of IP addresses that have been reported for sending spam.

The false reporting is a joke.

What false reporting, you have given no proof of such.

I can't even find an email address on the entire site.

Guess you haven't looked! They are posted in any places.

I am a Network Manager and have informed my ISP that I will be taking my business elsewhere because they subsribe to this service.

If it is your host that is blocked then I would move too!

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"Pursuant to § 230 of the Communications Decency Act, SpamCop is immune from liability for publishing or distributing the reports of registered users." (Saundra Brown Armstrong, United States District Judge, OPTINREALBIG.COM, LLC, v. IRONPORT SYSTEMS, INC. and its wholly owned subsidiary, SPAMCOP.NET, INC., No. C 04-1687 SBA, ORDER DENYING PLAINTIFF’S MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION [Docket Nos. 24, 53] dated June 25, 2004, as pointed to by http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?...indpost&p=12682). What makes you think you can pierce that liability shield?

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I would be adviseable to have the live person link on the homepage so people do not have to get frustrated trying to find the information.

Not staffed for this .. and geeze, what a chore that would be ... 1 billion+ spam reports/complaints sent out, anywhere from 3 to 50 a second at times, and you'd lke someone to answer the phone for all of them?

Most users are not savvy enough to figure any of this out. I am a System Administartor and do not have the time to deal with this. Your webpages are not well laid out and information is difficult to find.

I can't think of a single page at www.spamcop.net that's "hard to figure out" .... although the FAQ has also been converted into a single-page source (with additional data) here in the web-based Forum ... found as a Pinned item, further amplified by a "read before posting" note in the title .... you've already wasted the time of a number of other folks by reading your multiple posts on the off chance that you'd have provided some data that could be the baseline for some analysis that might have resulted in some suggestions, answers, and/or resolutions for your problem .... However ....

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bare no respocibilty


I am a System Administartor


Seem you started


your responce


blocked by close-minded individuals


Like I previously stated you have do not believe you bare any responsability.


You have already wasted too much of my time.

Oh, that shoe is most decidedly on the OTHER foot, Jack. Too bad you blew in here with so much attitude...you might have actually gotten some friendly help...in fact, I'm SURE that you would have. But I doubt that you're willing to accept any help. If your system is listed, then there are reasons for that listing. Give us the listed IP address and you'd be surprised how helpful we could be, even after your initial "rant fest."


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jack2004 postings in another Topic were split out from there and merged into this one that he started) ... the repeated posts in multiple other discussions is seen as someone in rant mode, looking to disrupt the normal flow of questions and answers within a Help Forum. And with that in mind, this Topic will also be moved to the Lounge area, of which the Forum description includes the specific subject of "Rants" ....

User PM'd to notify of actions and movement.

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These idiots think they are some kind of god. They mess with the flow of emil to and from my business and think they bare no respocibilty. The false reporting is a joke. I can't even find an email address on the entire site. I am a Network Manager and have informed my ISP that I will be taking my business elsewhere because they subsribe to this service.


I do approve... See my post here... I am a wbemaster for several sites hosted with a Swiss provider that goes through spamcop for mail filtering, and this causes losses of a good bunch of mail...

It seems the spamcop teams "helps" people that cannot use mail rules or mail filtering (even with simple personal tools like PopPeeper or Mailwasher).

They give them fish instead of learning them how to fish.

A+ on Stupidiscale.

Good luck, jack2004, keep on fighting and let's get some freedom on this part of the Internet !

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I do approve... See my post here...

At the time of this posting, it is readily seen that this poster has not read responses to "the other post/discussion" .. and hasn't actually read the responses within this discussion.

I am a wbemaster for several sites hosted with a Swiss provider that goes through spamcop for mail filtering, and this causes losses of a good bunch of mail...

It seems the spamcop teams "helps" people that cannot use mail rules or mail filtering (even with simple personal tools like PopPeeper or Mailwasher).

They give them fish instead of learning them how to fish.

As stated elsewhere, reading of some FAQ entries seems to need recommending. Your entire concept of how things work is seriously flawed.

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At the time of this posting, it is readily seen that this poster has not read responses to "the other post/discussion" .. and hasn't actually read the responses within this discussion.

As stated elsewhere, reading of some FAQ entries seems to need recommending.  Your entire concept of how things work is seriously flawed.


Seems not really, AFTER reading the FAQ. The most interesting part was :
How can I get removed from SpamCop's blocking system?

The SpamCop blocking list now has its own FAQ section

The short answer is that you cannot be removed.

Spamcop does not STOP the mail, so what ? The result is just the same... loss of time + money, and I understand nobody cares about MY time + money, that's O.K..

Where can I have the exhaustive list of ISPs blocked ?

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