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Welcome to Daylight Savings Time!

Jeff G.

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If you are in a Time Zone where Daylight Savings Time is observed, and in the Northern Hemisphere (that is, most of you), please make sure that you visit My Controls / Options / Board Settings and check Checkbox "Is daylight savings time in effect?". Remember to uncheck it when Daylight Savings Time is no longer in effect (October in the Northern Hemisphere).

[sorry if this posting is a little late this year.]

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And, the commentary on this goes on in the IPB Forum also, so many folks wanting the automaric thing to happen. The arguement goes to that in the world-wide situation, not everyone uses it, flips on the same date, or even shifts the same amount, so making the automatic flip for all users is seen as a bad thing <g>

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IMHO, Daylight Savings Time is almost as bad as spam! I am positive that we will find out in the future that shifting back and forth like that is bad for our health.

Where I grew up, DST was known as government time and ST was known as God's time.

which is better than fast time and slow time though I like to be on slow time.

Miss Betsy

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The checkbox should really say "Does your area observe Daylight Savings Time?" - then it would only have to be checked or unchecked once.

P.S. I just looked at mine and it was checked. I don't remember ever looking at that setting before - I wonder if my posting times have been an hour off?

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And, the commentary on this goes on in the IPB Forum also, so many folks wanting the automaric thing to happen.  The arguement goes to that in the world-wide situation, not everyone uses it, flips on the same date, or even shifts the same amount, so making the automatic flip for all users is seen as a bad thing <g>


Flame upcoming, I am going to say something good about Windows !

In Windows a timezone is selected which gives, from a database, the dates to and from Daylight Saving (may have different entries for North/South of the equtor).

You then tick a box if your part of this zone observes a switch.

That's all ! The thing needs to be done once and once only.

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That's all !  The thing needs to be done once and once only.


And with Win98 and before, you need to confirm that change of time every 6 months. I will say they have improved even that feature with the inclusion of "Internet time" in XP which automatically switches with no interaction.

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  • 11 months later...
IMHO, Daylight Savings Time is almost as bad as spam!  I am positive that we will find out in the future that shifting back and forth like that is bad for our health.

It's not so bad when you live in the northern states that receive less light in the winter and more in the summer, but the middle of the country really doesn't need the system IMO. I get one hour less sunlight in the winter here in Seattle, than my friends do in Denver.. opposite in the summer.

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