keith246 Posted February 20, 2004 Share Posted February 20, 2004 I tried reporting this in the newsgroup, but I ran into the arbitaryness of the people who hang out there. I posted the sample spam in spam.spam. Mike Easter moves the discussion to Then two others complain the sample spam should be in spam.spam and please repost there. Sheesh, and I though Symantec had lousy support for their paid-for products. It seems there are no rules against being silly, arbitrary, off-topic, unhelpful and rude to customers in those newsgroups, just against top posting, bottom posting, not spell checking, being foreign, and having other things to do and just wanting your problems fixed. Anyways, here is <strike>my</strike> Spamcop's problem. I'm sorry it is so long, but this is the accumulation of several replies and responses. ----------------------------------------------- Here are 2 samples of spam where spamcop fails to determine a sender IP when submitted from the paid-for spamcop email "held mail" folder directly. The spam does, however, when sent to my POP3 account, and the message source is viewed in MSOE 6, and pasted into the Spamcop reporting window on the reporting webpage, a sender IP is generated. For over about a week now, about 1/3 of my spam (8-10 pieces per day) has been like this. In held mail, no sender or subject is displayed. When it shows up in my MSOE, the sender address is shown as root[at] (and there is still no subject). === sample 1 ==== Submitted: Sun Feb 15 21:02:40 2004 GMT February 15, 2004 3:02:40 PM -0600: 690892669 ( ) To: spamcop[at] 690892666 ( ) To: abuse[at] -------------------------- Return-Path: <kzvpp[at]> Received: from ([]) by with ESMTP id <[at]> for <xxx8[at]>; Sun, 15 Feb 2004 14:59:02 -0600 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by with SMTP; 15 Feb 2004 15:59:01 -0500 Received: (qmail 2743 invoked by uid 0); 15 Feb 2004 20:59:01 -0000 Date: 15 Feb 2004 20:59:01 -0000 Message-ID: <20040215205901.2742.qmail[at]> From: root[at] Cc: recipient list not shown: ; Delivered-To: spamcop-net-xxxxxxxxxx[at] Received: (qmail 6516 invoked from network); 15 Feb 2004 12:10:29 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by with SMTP; 15 Feb 2004 12:10:29 -0000 Received: (qmail 22576 invoked from network); 15 Feb 2004 12:10:28 -0000 Received: from ( by with SMTP; 15 Feb 2004 12:10:26 -0000 Received: from [] by with with DES-CBC3-SHA encrypted SMTP; Sun, 15 Feb 2004 05:16:09 -0500X-Authentication-Warning: impromptu canton Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 05:16:09 -0500From: "Hope Holbrook" <kzvpp[at]>Reply-To: "Hope Holbrook" <kzvpp[at]>Message-ID: <23468020633851.479258615294278153668[at]defuse>To: Felix <budman[at]>Subject: dilemma hardcopy fiveReferences: <7140987783303806558391[at]apostle>In-Reply-To: <7140987783303806558391[at]apostle>X-Mailer: football fad fluency nationhood Mime-Version: 1.0Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-asciiContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <html> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <body> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in Tir<luck>ed of sear</blat>ching for the best possible fina<citric>ncial solu</identity>tion.<br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in Only APP<mateo>LY ONCE and let the fina</incinerate>ncial consu<bin>ltants come to you.<br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in No more endless sear</holm>ching. Have up to 4 qual<carlo>ified<br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in profe</minicomputer>ssional consul<laguerre>tants come to you. Pro</bistable>grams in all<br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in state for all of your fina<impish>ncial pro</gresham>blems.<br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in Ho<pyrophosphate>me Allow</conjuncture>ances<br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in Fina<couscous>ncial Restr</roister>ucture<br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in and more... <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <a ref="" href="http: //"><b> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in GE<font style="font-size: 1;">q</font>T MO<cannister>RE INF</dismal>ORMATION</a> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <br><br><br><br><br><br><br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in rem at<br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <font style="font-size: 1;">hemisphere covetous our avery feldman axial downwind fugue rape numerate rigid flannel sharon provident darlene sigma acknowledge rug canaveral brooklyn peal mitten rebutting flak janitorial coexist havoc assumption craze inimitable X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in indomitable lea chivalry competitive hornblower janos fond hereafter devil appleton forthright drawn flounce sedentary completion peacock flashy murderous hazard convalesce abase shasta abide beribbon bateau ian grim commandant barbarous imagine antipode anybody cromwellian alcoholic bottommost <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in dialup il iliac aurelius pirogue abutting decisional inadmissible acts london coup egyptian fpc eradicable norwegian alabama deadlock <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in adhesive groat goldstine roman faa inhibition behest egan forfend kirkland behest deuce pinehurst increase edwina irradiate evident corrosion nutrition caulk egan shrilly emmett convulse dyne apostolic hatchway cottage belmont indistinguishable <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in eradicate septillion howdy confrontation malnourished offshoot apricot countryside neil hellish footbridge botulism cogent religiosity athenian gentian aggravate catv divine audible silkworm <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in charles caller mole hark bratwurst caldera fisherman castigate chopin bearberry grandnephew canis buttonhole dump decker billboard gravel areawide agleam ogre anisotropic <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in hahn same denunciation dishevel exuberant feathertop hypnotic cpu industrial catv mclean bump becalm contraption infallible deathbed granulate conservation password riffle continuum canto gypsite inductor inoculate sac creditor doria credible jacques renault endogenous prorate axes loveland sent <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in progress conscript methodism attack homo moderate rust cpu apse logarithmic histamine automat augustan manifestation shoo copywriter northbound ejector chalkboard chart difficult improve latitudinal potentate se prominent sinewy accept kellogg glaucous blest humane infinitive injustice linguist chartres borax <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in affidavit afield flit allegate dwindle evil daugherty scapular phosphorescent legitimacy decimal descant foursome cabinet boyd adelaide andrea auspices assure greater entity momentary impresario gelatine hostelry ferment ah marcy <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in circumcircle medford estonia buzzword granny eft pail clue saccade assam lahore armature bulkhead depute memory recombinant ambition asiatic heterogeneous chromium attic rumpus dewdrop ideologue lucky dogma predisposition gluey darry coastline gamma cerebellum <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in hungry craven chinamen clumsy burch cot cromwell placenta hairdo emulsion glottis alumina rosary inestimable fir cornelia fig jersey serenade clockwise anecdotal procreate explode hereafter playroom anticipate from grateful corrode <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in mobcap populist disperse fermat adler allyl peed ado ferrite emigrant growth pretense continuant parallel connotative autocratic finnegan recumbent bid bristle duma elsinore plaguey gallows <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in brandy hereunder huxtable melvin calder ergodic imprecise acetate compassionate delphine backstitch estimate peachtree chronology shaft lowry hiss mckeon pyrolysis gaines ladylike negroes lester mcguire controversial hugging schultz <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in rupture copybook doolittle orinoco draftsmen hypertensive jugate geopolitic cohosh constantine bramble pilfer cb organic <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in grain cometh avowal donovan bronx crayfish incautious ectopic bergson elijah baghdad gagwriter cognac hatfield he'll <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in billings else sicklewort evolutionary eclogue businessmen lethargic freeway scam accomplish grandmother doorknob cat compulsory glut barnes brownell shadflower aerobacter bull abhorrent healy sciatica schoolmarm medford nagging gaelic bobbie dividend el aphelion dewitt georgetown <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in but floc borax indian capybara bide albright fiscal hourglass deportation contumacy cryptic bedroom chair dukedom perennial <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in consecrate bittersweet foreign exclusive showcase behave goldberg infer dearie effloresce everhart burke pale deerstalker consanguine breadwinner cain gridiron fiberboard holography centimeter flanders for <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in gelatinous briar dramatist edmondson hanson eidetic crocodile democracy akin leona histamine amass begun immaterial involutorial salesian chill exclude mccarty garrisonian <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in mortician caine churchyard ate diagram dilatory aborning homestead palliate delicacy restful catalpa dis convulse <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in monaural amra pediatrician judson myeline frog presbytery rachel boylston dementia apt gerard flexure deter galvanic hillel purgation <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in fredericks exorcise contagious intelligentsia herein hydro cochrane denunciation crowd atheism preston roundup incompletion eccentric isopleth missive innocuous iconoclasm bronchiole heal peace homogenate buzzard bequest leash <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in cabinetry fedders fable park klein lamar harriet potential impugn punt died mutuel pooh journalese incondensable mention concurring chariot interfere aftereffect chat habitant haifa elect heat camelot motorola chantilly rodgers <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in einsteinian gritty bronx abstracter muddy advisable salve decathlon lebesgue cheetah remus <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in breathe pinhead dollar lahore echoes posterity chalk banshee siam lain epidermis gymnasium plaintiff k orangutan ginger distillery certainty minima sault brand nashville hypocrite einsteinium nicodemus expelling drawbridge immersion hysteresis kernighan extremum equipotent radiography fist bureaucratic militiamen cleft chou borate <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in loosestrife occultate broadcast lagrangian gimmick gentlemen boreas aeschylus invention signal elton finn bivouac harlem debility blatz angeles airflow compile enemy phenylalanine <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in isomorph rankle diddle hymnal emily duopoly maloney mckesson pheasant neapolitan dubitable bricklaying domino chimpanzee carolingian phone added lahore hegemony cheesecake crusty doberman burke ascent diffeomorphism hong nuisance annual bartok datsun <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in opposite corps monogamy impress ounce receptive cue balletomane aristocracy nonce amber imitate fungal figurate chide dupe anybody collide fogging practical enjoinder airmass ethylene ecuador heat battalion ontario arithmetic deleterious defer gully differentiable lilac batwing jitterbugging refrain goddard carload <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in bookbind pinehurst benefit kowalski hieratic caryatid deity billfold continuant clement hindsight inholding behave inglorious counteract psychoacoustic craig hassle betelgeuse expansion extremal chaperone expedite cumberland auditor lay eros injustice boulder simplectic brunt globular greenery scull chameleon paschal </font> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in </body> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in </html> X-spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on blade4 X-spam-Level: ** X-spam-Status: hits=2.9 tests=DATE_MISSING,FROM_NO_LOWER version=2.63 X-SpamCop-Checked: X-SpamCop-Disposition: Blocked === sample 2 === Submitted: Sun Feb 15 21:07:43 2004 GMT February 15, 2004 3:07:43 PM -0600: 690911085 ( ) To: spamcop[at] 690911082 ( ) To: abuse[at] -------------------------- Return-Path: <kzvpp[at]> Received: from ([]) by with ESMTP id <[at]> for <xxx8[at]>; Sun, 15 Feb 2004 14:59:02 -0600 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by with SMTP; 15 Feb 2004 15:59:01 -0500 Received: (qmail 2743 invoked by uid 0); 15 Feb 2004 20:59:01 -0000 Date: 15 Feb 2004 20:59:01 -0000 Message-ID: <20040215205901.2742.qmail[at]> From: root[at] Cc: recipient list not shown: ; Delivered-To: spamcop-net-xxxxxxxx[at] Received: (qmail 6516 invoked from network); 15 Feb 2004 12:10:29 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by with SMTP; 15 Feb 2004 12:10:29 -0000 Received: (qmail 22576 invoked from network); 15 Feb 2004 12:10:28 -0000 Received: from ( by with SMTP; 15 Feb 2004 12:10:26 -0000 Received: from [] by with with DES-CBC3-SHA encrypted SMTP; Sun, 15 Feb 2004 05:16:09 -0500X-Authentication-Warning: impromptu canton Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 05:16:09 -0500From: "Hope Holbrook" <kzvpp[at]>Reply-To: "Hope Holbrook" <kzvpp[at]>Message-ID: <23468020633851.479258615294278153668[at]defuse>To: Felix <budman[at]>Subject: dilemma hardcopy fiveReferences: <7140987783303806558391[at]apostle>In-Reply-To: <7140987783303806558391[at]apostle>X-Mailer: football fad fluency nationhood Mime-Version: 1.0Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-asciiContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <html> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <body> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in Tir<luck>ed of sear</blat>ching for the best possible fina<citric>ncial solu</identity>tion.<br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in Only APP<mateo>LY ONCE and let the fina</incinerate>ncial consu<bin>ltants come to you.<br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in No more endless sear</holm>ching. Have up to 4 qual<carlo>ified<br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in profe</minicomputer>ssional consul<laguerre>tants come to you. Pro</bistable>grams in all<br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in state for all of your fina<impish>ncial pro</gresham>blems.<br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in Ho<pyrophosphate>me Allow</conjuncture>ances<br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in Fina<couscous>ncial Restr</roister>ucture<br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in and more... <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <a ref="" href="http: //"><b> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in GE<font style="font-size: 1;">q</font>T MO<cannister>RE INF</dismal>ORMATION</a> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <br><br><br><br><br><br><br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in rem at<br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in <font style="font-size: 1;">hemisphere covetous our avery feldman axial downwind fugue rape numerate rigid flannel sharon provident darlene sigma acknowledge rug canaveral brooklyn peal mitten rebutting flak janitorial coexist havoc assumption craze inimitable X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in indomitable lea chivalry competitive hornblower janos fond hereafter devil appleton forthright drawn flounce sedentary completion peacock flashy murderous hazard convalesce abase shasta abide beribbon bateau ian grim commandant barbarous imagine antipode anybody cromwellian alcoholic bottommost <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in dialup il iliac aurelius pirogue abutting decisional inadmissible acts london coup egyptian fpc eradicable norwegian alabama deadlock <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in adhesive groat goldstine roman faa inhibition behest egan forfend kirkland behest deuce pinehurst increase edwina irradiate evident corrosion nutrition caulk egan shrilly emmett convulse dyne apostolic hatchway cottage belmont indistinguishable <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in eradicate septillion howdy confrontation malnourished offshoot apricot countryside neil hellish footbridge botulism cogent religiosity athenian gentian aggravate catv divine audible silkworm <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in charles caller mole hark bratwurst caldera fisherman castigate chopin bearberry grandnephew canis buttonhole dump decker billboard gravel areawide agleam ogre anisotropic <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in hahn same denunciation dishevel exuberant feathertop hypnotic cpu industrial catv mclean bump becalm contraption infallible deathbed granulate conservation password riffle continuum canto gypsite inductor inoculate sac creditor doria credible jacques renault endogenous prorate axes loveland sent <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in progress conscript methodism attack homo moderate rust cpu apse logarithmic histamine automat augustan manifestation shoo copywriter northbound ejector chalkboard chart difficult improve latitudinal potentate se prominent sinewy accept kellogg glaucous blest humane infinitive injustice linguist chartres borax <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in affidavit afield flit allegate dwindle evil daugherty scapular phosphorescent legitimacy decimal descant foursome cabinet boyd adelaide andrea auspices assure greater entity momentary impresario gelatine hostelry ferment ah marcy <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in circumcircle medford estonia buzzword granny eft pail clue saccade assam lahore armature bulkhead depute memory recombinant ambition asiatic heterogeneous chromium attic rumpus dewdrop ideologue lucky dogma predisposition gluey darry coastline gamma cerebellum <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in hungry craven chinamen clumsy burch cot cromwell placenta hairdo emulsion glottis alumina rosary inestimable fir cornelia fig jersey serenade clockwise anecdotal procreate explode hereafter playroom anticipate from grateful corrode <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in mobcap populist disperse fermat adler allyl peed ado ferrite emigrant growth pretense continuant parallel connotative autocratic finnegan recumbent bid bristle duma elsinore plaguey gallows <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in brandy hereunder huxtable melvin calder ergodic imprecise acetate compassionate delphine backstitch estimate peachtree chronology shaft lowry hiss mckeon pyrolysis gaines ladylike negroes lester mcguire controversial hugging schultz <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in rupture copybook doolittle orinoco draftsmen hypertensive jugate geopolitic cohosh constantine bramble pilfer cb organic <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in grain cometh avowal donovan bronx crayfish incautious ectopic bergson elijah baghdad gagwriter cognac hatfield he'll <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in billings else sicklewort evolutionary eclogue businessmen lethargic freeway scam accomplish grandmother doorknob cat compulsory glut barnes brownell shadflower aerobacter bull abhorrent healy sciatica schoolmarm medford nagging gaelic bobbie dividend el aphelion dewitt georgetown <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in but floc borax indian capybara bide albright fiscal hourglass deportation contumacy cryptic bedroom chair dukedom perennial <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in consecrate bittersweet foreign exclusive showcase behave goldberg infer dearie effloresce everhart burke pale deerstalker consanguine breadwinner cain gridiron fiberboard holography centimeter flanders for <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in gelatinous briar dramatist edmondson hanson eidetic crocodile democracy akin leona histamine amass begun immaterial involutorial salesian chill exclude mccarty garrisonian <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in mortician caine churchyard ate diagram dilatory aborning homestead palliate delicacy restful catalpa dis convulse <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in monaural amra pediatrician judson myeline frog presbytery rachel boylston dementia apt gerard flexure deter galvanic hillel purgation <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in fredericks exorcise contagious intelligentsia herein hydro cochrane denunciation crowd atheism preston roundup incompletion eccentric isopleth missive innocuous iconoclasm bronchiole heal peace homogenate buzzard bequest leash <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in cabinetry fedders fable park klein lamar harriet potential impugn punt died mutuel pooh journalese incondensable mention concurring chariot interfere aftereffect chat habitant haifa elect heat camelot motorola chantilly rodgers <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in einsteinian gritty bronx abstracter muddy advisable salve decathlon lebesgue cheetah remus <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in breathe pinhead dollar lahore echoes posterity chalk banshee siam lain epidermis gymnasium plaintiff k orangutan ginger distillery certainty minima sault brand nashville hypocrite einsteinium nicodemus expelling drawbridge immersion hysteresis kernighan extremum equipotent radiography fist bureaucratic militiamen cleft chou borate <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in loosestrife occultate broadcast lagrangian gimmick gentlemen boreas aeschylus invention signal elton finn bivouac harlem debility blatz angeles airflow compile enemy phenylalanine <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in isomorph rankle diddle hymnal emily duopoly maloney mckesson pheasant neapolitan dubitable bricklaying domino chimpanzee carolingian phone added lahore hegemony cheesecake crusty doberman burke ascent diffeomorphism hong nuisance annual bartok datsun <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in opposite corps monogamy impress ounce receptive cue balletomane aristocracy nonce amber imitate fungal figurate chide dupe anybody collide fogging practical enjoinder airmass ethylene ecuador heat battalion ontario arithmetic deleterious defer gully differentiable lilac batwing jitterbugging refrain goddard carload <br> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in bookbind pinehurst benefit kowalski hieratic caryatid deity billfold continuant clement hindsight inholding behave inglorious counteract psychoacoustic craig hassle betelgeuse expansion extremal chaperone expedite cumberland auditor lay eros injustice boulder simplectic brunt globular greenery scull chameleon paschal </font> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in </body> X-Mail-Format-Warning: Bad RFC2822 header formatting in </html> X-spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on blade4 X-spam-Level: ** X-spam-Status: hits=2.9 tests=DATE_MISSING,FROM_NO_LOWER version=2.63 X-SpamCop-Checked: X-SpamCop-Disposition: Blocked -------------------------------------------------------------- I'm 'moving' this 'conversation' over to .help. The .spam group is for posting the spam, not discussing. The .help or spamcop groups are for discussing. Keith wrote: > Here are 2 samples of spam where spamcop fails to determine a sender > IP when submitted from the paid-for spamcop email "held mail" folder > directly. > > The spam does, however, when sent to my POP3 account, and the message > source is viewed in MSOE 6, and pasted into the Spamcop reporting > window on the reporting webpage, a sender IP is generated. > > For over about a week now, about 1/3 of my spam (8-10 pieces per day) > has been like this. > > In held mail, no sender or subject is displayed. When it > shows up in my MSOE, the sender address is shown as > root[at] (and there is still no subject). > > === sample 1 ==== > Message-ID: <20040215205901.2742.qmail[at]> > From: root[at] > === sample 2 === > Message-ID: <20040215205901.2742.qmail[at]> > From: root[at] I'm not familiar with this, but I'll make a guess. In your spamcop mail, the item/s didn't have a subject, from, or msgid. SC won't parse a header with those elements incomplete. So, when it 'moved' them, it gave them a cesmail msgid and From: -- so then it could parse them. -- Mike Easter ------------------------------------------------------------ When I try to view the source of this sort of senderless spam using the Preview link on the, I sometimes get this message: ======================================================================== ====== Previewing raw email. Use your browser's back button to return to menu. ======================================================================== ====== error:Cannot find 4838 - OR - ======================================================================== ====== Previewing raw email. Use your browser's back button to return to menu. ======================================================================== ====== error:Cannot find 4839 +++ Other times I get the actual spam: +++ ======================================================================== ====== Previewing raw email. Use your browser's back button to return to menu. ======================================================================== ====== Return-Path: <ycbkz[at]> Delivered-To: spamcop-net-myemailaddress[at] Received: (qmail 18493 invoked from network); 18 Feb 2004 02:59:19 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by with SMTP; 18 Feb 2004 02:59:19 -0000 Received: (qmail 13802 invoked from network); 18 Feb 2004 02:59:19 -0000 Received: from ( by with SMTP; 18 Feb 2004 02:59:19 -0000 Received: from [] by with with DES-CBC3-SHA encrypted SMTP; Wed, 18 Feb 2004 05:59:16 +0300X-Authentication-Warning: lgxzw hlufbfDate: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 06:58:16 +0400From: "Johnathan Wesley" <ycbkz[at]>Reply-To: "Johnathan Wesley" <ycbkz[at]>Message-Id: <121005693606018.41277659165015879920[at]dummy>To: skurland[at] Cc: ahoerstemeier[at], myemailaddress[at]spamcop.netSubject: graceful arrowhead ptolemaic creditReferencfes: <8980271256392917649384102[at]herman>In-Reply-To: <3676920069558204191158907[at]orate>X-Mailer: qlsqezz jaelq iqiie ttpceuMime-Version: 1.0Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-asciiContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on blade4 X-spam-Level: ** X-spam-Status: hits=2.9 tests=DATE_MISSING,FROM_NO_LOWER,HTML_MESSAGE version=2.63 X-SpamCop-Checked: X-SpamCop-Disposition: Blocked <html> <body> SuperVi<font style="font-size: 1;">w</font>agra - Cia<font style="font-size: 1;">u</font>lis<br> Take it once and it lasts <b>all weekend.</b><br>Do not have s<benny>ex timed to a pi</illinois>ll. Choose the moments when you wa<anthropomorphic>nt to have int</depositary>imacy.<br> Cia<font style="font-size: 1;">i</font>lis act<largemouth>s qui</blatz>cker (about 20 minutes) and last much longer (about 2-3 days) with NO SIDE EFF<font style="font-size: 1;">x </font>ECT.<br> The ch<aspirate>eapest pr</dispensable>ice!<br> <a href=""> Ge<font style="font-size: 1;">n</font>t it now!</a> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> rem at<br> <font style="font-size: 1;">octoroon palazzi hydro knead knox downhill firestone barnet cb earmark hereof lateran contribute prototypic joan background bryan infuse gigabit imprint differential anhydrite personify catapult compatriot asparagus evocate noah lockheed improve jesus judson i'll phantom bungalow shrine addition calcify harlem <br> gloat deterrent increment penis adjectival daphne haulage operatic revision radiosonde aida maledict martini compound leper hickory autumnal <br> chancy hue graphic indoeuropean plum deane alder forfend counterproposal heartbreak holland obsequy hydride basidiomycetes blackburn certitude deerskin music hypochlorite nguyen escape <br> binary christenson postmaster lenient effie filter bedspread eigenspace hypocritical feldman basemen reptilian delaware biddy cowpony hayward radii hector flint lemma clairvoyant mucus formatted dunce cairn hurray side befell incriminate circle dexterity bluegill cringe shill lotion prexy radcliffe interception <br> carmine psychophysic attain coprinus lynch infertile incommunicable gunshot otherwise preen reap bulky cardiovascular incorrect bulldog impatient margin conjugal drizzle mutuel bothersome defunct ferber halt fidget derriere claudio hothead piece aureomycin mulish quintillion corp augend hypotheses reek dachshund france doorman penates <br> prophetic inmate parenthetic homomorphism atypic delphic humility grandson assyriology credential armco gentile hurst inflammatory potpourri monies existential ineducable rowland biaxial electrocardiograph <br> arcade pianist chinamen scram plantain degeneracy armour o'brien prescribe busy argument anatomy racketeer arbutus schaefer phenylalanine receptor noetherian simplex <br> magi crackle fuchs mansfield boundary franc fungi gee poultry rusty hillmen covetous forklift cytology flycatcher northwestern demagogue hamster sinusoidal examine homeowner repartee formaldehyde make nucleant embrittle aflame evangel deportee quintessential bellicose redundant domicile plutonium <br> halma invitee hydrodynamic bronchi controlling amtrak niagara beachcomb fried handicraftsman bodybuilding innate ain't library roof dangle hyannis machiavelli say contrary americana beast nondescript rang shutdown derive mcguire pavilion giddap farmington bimolecular aggravate importune beverly ruff croix bequeath refute accompany <br> hawthorn posey bingle gauche scriven loot idea aviary ashtray laugh novak poodle raleigh <br> seth purcell buckley nightfall privilege committeeman marshland opel discussant layout despotic demurring flack horatio fluorescent germanium retail concurring mcpherson excision belittle cancelled olden bestseller diatom dubitable bar bugging centrist barricade durward neutron crewcut protestation kramer bigotry coarse rosa <br> assumption complete hell fahrenheit applaud abuse against expiate millet contagious antique <br> kappa intact hydrosphere cutout metamorphose lucille knapp milieu freshmen decorticate damnation hold interlude logo eyeball contextual garbage limit impertinent relic contemptible cardamom february <br> bunch lien parliamentarian dichotomize schemata englishmen confabulate dice canvass felt enmity lenny adulterous janitor akron <br> bad loan flagrant lineprinter murray gaiety firefly confederacy hack investor curtsey <br> grape potential minsk charity enviable immiscible hallelujah maltreat holdover nashua inappeasable covariate epithelial mutter fruit indent brusque fraught delilah <br> carlin effusive sire landhold frustum build netherworld betatron cheesecake alias decrease newspaper eagan anamorphic conservation draco <br> idle blackbird bipartite flex marriott rev bedpost friable anachronism filch horsedom canoga goldwater equidistant lineal dissonant psalter fictive plaque politburo journey befallen iconoclasm canto disquisition primitivism dollar saturable cf bungalow area bookend dar christopher elevate resin interruption poetic <br> reb beacon bilge inveigle christ fry sims rascal everyone fogging cezanne chalmers beggary glacis eightieth j shine etymology administer forthwith <br> hilt chimpanzee migrate latitudinal counteract insuppressible shrapnel glossy highroad primrose cauchy dirge boulder peel infight norton amatory bailey elizabeth besotted dome hildebrand arden blackmail dodson carson edinburgh agone foppish burmese alimony ceremonial echoes beachhead bach cadillac decadent clandestine <br> mcdougall cady exhume bidiagonal ewe hunter electrocardiogram excisable mackintosh dublin serious araby emitting bergstrom nanometer inquire <br> cominform ratty deportee dockyard fable refinery britannica equitable bard davison hotbox sinus dogberry cortland epistle carnival lisp <br> impervious kauffman grendel faint accurate shay peal akron cyrus mendelssohn benton decolletage altercate asymptotic impregnate leaky headsman directrix shale inn bison pond fascinate mcgill derbyshire drudge nicodemus calcium arboretum fantod conferee bravado cloudburst basalt message embark <br> ruff begotten elmsford shallow miriam institute german hamper cashmere cameron firebug aeronautic hesse inspire argo barnstorm enervate beau homebuilder handlebar <br> ban hodgkin fantastic short dublin needlepoint quiet chrysanthemum halibut bessie drier countervail <br> edible distillery circus individualism devout dynamo cosy concubine hemolytic sisyphus drive aerobacter alliance edifice coupe giant couldn't ladle balk captor heed humidistat inarticulate cryptography keyhole astoria allen lace bile comatose madeline commotion illiterate mckee codetermine individual <br> dreary inmate enthusiastic conquest nevins candide drool sequester ecole condense doorknob amorous gumdrop conspire barefoot immovable chase maldive forgetful nicotine attend clove sacrilegious guilty exile pyrophosphate ampex hunch bespectacled lumberman don irrepressible rickettsia cranelike growth facultative diatomaceous <br> hospitable clad morristown budgetary lupine dingo gould hathaway inclusion crotch inform repulsion elsie bronzy inflame alec middlesex freya beer accessory committal </font> </body> </html> -------------------------------------------------------------- "Keith" <nobody[at]> wrote in message news:c11cc2$vhm$1[at] > When I try to view the source of this sort of senderless spam using the > Preview link on the, > I sometimes get this message: Not sure where to start ... first of all, the rules of conduct say that you'll post your spam over in the spamcop.spam newsgroup ... That said, there's a serious formatting issue in what you posted as a "successful" submission / parse ... but no idea as to when / where / how it happened. So, to actually assist you, I'm going to suggest that you paste the "real" spam over in the other newsgroup as directly as you can, hopefully that will not have the same formatting issues ... and that would allow someone to look and possibly re-run it through the parsing engine to see what's going wrong. Could try to fix what you did post and try to verify that one, but as you said that this was one that worked, that wouldn't seem to clear anything up. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Keith <nobody[at]> organized electrons in article news:c11cc2$vhm$1[at] that appeared as follows: > When I try to view the source of this sort of senderless spam using > the Preview link on the >, I sometimes get > this message: > > ======================================================================== > ====== > Previewing raw email. Use your browser's back button to return to > menu. > ======================================================================== > ====== > error:Cannot find 4838 In addition to what Wazoo posted, have you tried refreshing the preview when this happens? -- Thanks and Best Regards, Jeff G. I have been a SpamCop User/Member/Customer since 1999 and am a Moderator of the new web-based forums (now the primary method for getting help, Please reply via Forum, Group, or List only. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- No refreshing the preview doesn't help. The problem continues tonight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wazoo Posted February 20, 2004 Share Posted February 20, 2004 don't know what to tell you .. you didn't answer my last over in the newsgroups and I'm not sure why you'd think that reposting this whole monster over here would result in much of a different set of results ... let me point out that folks over here doing the support are just a small subset of the folks over in the newsgroup ... Most of them choosing not participate over here due to the extreme effort in trying to make sense out of a post like this ... stuck with having yet another layer or two of things to change from what you really receieved, what you think you saw, what you thought you copied, and the end result of all this "translation" of the facts / data. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
keith246 Posted February 20, 2004 Author Share Posted February 20, 2004 Another sample: This is what comes out of "Queue for reporing and move to trash": Saved email: This page may be saved for future reference: No source IP address found, cannot proceed. Add/edit your mailhost configuration Finding full email headers Submitting spam via email (may work better) Example: What spam headers should look like Nothing to do. +++++++++++++++++++++ And this is what appears in the preview from held mail: ============================================================================== Previewing raw email. Use your browser's back button to return to menu. ============================================================================== Return-Path: <kejgpmcyaagcu[at]> Delivered-To: spamcop-net-keithtarrant[at] Received: (qmail 18773 invoked from network); 20 Feb 2004 01:38:52 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by with SMTP; 20 Feb 2004 01:38:52 -0000 Received: (qmail 23435 invoked from network); 20 Feb 2004 01:38:52 -0000 Received: from ( by with SMTP; 20 Feb 2004 01:38:51 -0000 Received: from [] by with with DES-CBC3-SHA encrypted SMTP; Fri, 20 Feb 2004 03:33:50 +0200X-Authentication-Warning: jmwfh lfjracDate: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 20:33:50 -0500From: "Marilyn Oneal" <kejgpmcyaagcu[at]>Reply-To: "Marilyn Oneal" <kejgpmcyaagcu[at]>Message-Id: <548915117072659.47015828812841875946[at]dystrophy>To: webdev511[at] Cc: rsimandl[at], skurland[at], ahoerstemeier[at], keithtarrant[at]spamcop.netSubject: confirmation hewReferencfes: <0964201099635495918581766[at]invent>In-Reply-To: <4908815109234770132604664[at]avon>X-Mailer: bwipn lmwyrgb wdjxh ggazyMime-Version: 1.0Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-asciiContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on blade4 X-spam-Level: ** X-spam-Status: hits=2.9 tests=DATE_MISSING,FROM_NO_LOWER,HTML_MESSAGE version=2.63 X-SpamCop-Checked: X-SpamCop-Disposition: Blocked <html> <body> SuperVi<font style="font-size: 1;">o</font>agra - Cia<font style="font-size: 1;">j</font>lis<br> Take it once and it lasts <b>all weekend.</b><br>Do not have s<dismal>ex timed to a pi</blueprint>ll. Choose the moments when you wa<quotient>nt to have int</cavil>imacy.<br> Cia<font style="font-size: 1;">b</font>lis act<insouciant>s qui</handstand>cker (about 20 minutes) and last much longer (about 2-3 days) with NO SIDE EFF<font style="font-size: 1;">p </font>ECT.<br> The ch<helical>eapest pr</grassy>ice!<br> <a href=""> Ge<font style="font-size: 1;">c</font>t it now!</a> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> rem at<br> <font style="font-size: 1;">carlson robinson eucharist anaconda carlisle genii eradicate frazzle reverent saxophone commonality foolhardy fluorine gyroscope govern microbial pam cowpoke bequeath bingham northrup galena cowlick apport aeneid cottrell consulate deserve cabin abscissae chiton arbitrary hexagon clam morrill expressible always hannibal burglar bulge <<snipped by Keith>> performance mcnaughton dorothy horseplay munson kiosk dorado inconsequential boggy rivalry renovate essential hagen innovate <br> grunt regatta boundary helix hue curiosity needlepoint scoot impact abstain combinator definition awaken scull everyday chivalry improvident conjectural hidalgo <br> heal decaffeinate heusen controlling documentation elliott dorchester hurdle celia andover cobra physiotherapy mollie feint obey eliot adaptation rift ophthalmology atom henri cataclysm <br> adhesion archetypical canberra anorthosite effect erroneous barnes fellow sanatorium bamako dissonant lucia bachelor johns emphysematous megaton paranoiac effie hyena sanguinary condominium cue gerry cleat metro pegboard hilum candlelight brouhaha instep girlish quadruple </font> </body> </html> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wazoo Posted February 20, 2004 Share Posted February 20, 2004 and, just as I pointed out over in the newsgroups, this one has sever formatting issues ... header is all jacked up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
turetzsr Posted February 20, 2004 Share Posted February 20, 2004 Hi, Keith! ...You may very well get flamed here, as well, for posting spam directly in your message. Please understand, we get enough of our own spam and we would prefer not to see yours, unless we need to in order to help you (which many of us can't even do, being unfamiliar with the workings of SpamCop e-mail). It would have been helpful to us if instead of trying to include the entire spam in your post, here, you just referenced where it was in the .spam newsgroup. ...Also, while I fully appreciate what you wrote about the denizens of the newsgroup being somewhat hung up on what may seem to be the finer points of ng etiquette, I think you're being a bit hard on them. The answers you received which you posted here seem pretty helpful to me. And the rules aren't completely arbitrary -- newsgroup users tend to most appreciate other users who post meaningful, compact messages so they can go through them quickly and efficiently, answering the ones to which they feel they can make a contribution and passing by those that they can't. The netiquette rules facilitate that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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