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cookie login


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I receive the confirming email from spamcop about processing the spam. I click on the "cookie login" link, yet it doesn't recognize me all the time. Why? Cookies are turned on. Is it necessary that I login every time?

Also, why are some of the reports "unreported" and I have to go through the process again - report saved spam.

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I receive the confirming email from spamcop about processing the spam. I click on the "cookie login" link, yet it doesn't recognize me all the time. Why? Cookies are turned on. Is it necessary that I login every time?

The "all the time" / "every time" kind of confuses the issue. Not stated is the brower/OS involved, what type os 'extras' might be in play. For example, you may have a 'security' plug-in for IE that deleted cookies at logoff ... you may have set FireFox up to handle cookies in the same fashion.

To ensure that the cookie is there and valid, login into 'your' www.spamcop.net page ... paste in a spam (complete / proper format) ... just below that box you'll see checkbox to the right of two buttons .. check that box .. process the spam ... this action will wtire a new cookie to add in the effect of checking that box ... after checking to see if any cookie management software/configurations are out of the picture, then see if the cookie-login issue is now resolved. If not, need more data to work with ...

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