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The Cringley Plan


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Check-out this week's "I, Cringley" story with his plan to comabt phishing (and, I think, spam in general).

"I, Cringley"

I wonder if SpamCop could automate this process where people submit links and SpamCop takes it from there. Doing so might foster more participation.

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Such activity needs to be decentralized. If a phisher gets a large number of submissions from the same narrow IP range (SpamCop's or any other organization), he knows pretty much that they are bogus and can discard them in bulk. On the other hand, if thousands of different people from scattered locations submit bogus entries, the phisher has no way of telling which ones are false.

There is an automated way of fighting back against spamvertized websites in general called "spam vampire," but there are already so many other people in that business that I don't think SpamCop needs to join it.

BTW, some phishing websites try to install spyware on your computer. Please use the Cringely method only if you are certain that your browser is fully secured.

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