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No longer see reports


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I've been reporting spam to SpamCop for some time now using Outlook and SpamSource with no problems. Suddenly, the spam I'm reporting isn't showing up. My reports seem to be going into a black hole. My reports are in my sent folder and I can see them being scanned by Norton AntiVirus as they go out so I know they're leaving my computer. Any suggestions?

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I've been reporting spam to SpamCop for some time now using Outlook and SpamSource with no problems. Suddenly, the spam I'm reporting isn't showing up. My reports seem to be going into a black hole. My reports are in my sent folder and I can see them being scanned by Norton AntiVirus as they go out so I know they're leaving my computer. Any suggestions?


Please follow the link at the top of the page for the SpamCop GAQ and look fir the link in the SpamCop Parsing and Reporting Service section labeled E-Mail spam submittals blocked by your ISP? and let us know if that fits your situation. If your ISP is not listed, but all the other facts seem to fit, please let us know so we can update the FAQ.

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Note that the same / similar question was brought up in the spamcop.help newsgroup ... user there made the suggested test of CC:ing an off-Comcast address and verified that the submittals were not leaving the Comcast servers.


Title: [sC-Help] Irritating development

It appears that the FAQ entry is looking at an update.

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