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Russia’s Biggest Spammer Brutally Murdered


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Mater of fact I received spam from "Center for American English" this weekend. spam was in Russian except for "Center for American English" some where in the header.

I wander if this will reduce the number of spam in Russian I receive dayly?

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1 down, many more to go.
I just want to say that that's in really bad taste.


...You're entitled to your opinion; my opinion is that it is not, because Turmoyl is referring to a major spammer. In fact, I think it's a bit of a shame, as death precludes a slower, more lingering punishment that I believe to be most appropriate.
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Created: 25.07.2005 13:14 MSK (GMT +3),

Updated: 16:29 MSK


Vardan Kushnir, notorious for sending

spam to each and every citizen of Russia

who appeared to have an e-mail, was

found dead in his Moscow apartment on

Sunday, Interfax reported Monday. He

died after suffering repeated blows to the


In the past angry Internet users have

targeted the American English centre by

publishing the [Kishnir's] telephone numbers...

but Vardan Kushnir remained sure of his

right to spam, saying it was what e-mails

were for.

Fill story at


There is also a link a trhe bttom of the story to a news commentary with the headline:

Russian Media Hails Spammer’s Murder

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"The murder of Russia’s biggest spammer Vardan Kushnir was not connected with his Internet activity, but with a straightforward robbery, Moscow investigators reported."


So, I guess all those hate sites (and these forums) are more catharsis than incitement. We should be glad about that, I think.

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ppl die, its a fact of life.

If karma had anything to do with it all spammers would be dead already.

Being that this particular incident could have happened to a nicer guy, I'm glad it didn't... But then when it happens to nicer guys, you typically don't hear about it <_<

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ppl die, its a fact of life.

If karma had anything to do with it all spammers would be dead already.


Right on! And I doubt if anyone will miss this one (except his dear old Mum) even though he has probably spammed very few in these forums. But I think the reality check is, he didn't just die. He was murdered, with deliberation and a certain lack of efficiency.

For me, the "uh-oh" moment of realization that the perspective might be getting a little skewed is when the victims get blamed, be it for the murder, bigotry, whatever, that has been inflicted on them. I'm just reassured that nothing I've said or done thus far in my detestation of spammers is likely to make the world a scarier place. Those who wish to can join me in a certain, small sense of relief.

That certainly shan't stop me wishing every kind of hurt and desolation and the heads of those (surviving) stupid pond-scum spammers. Quite the contrary in fact.

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