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Will Flat Rate Email account filter spam?

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Serverion, as everyone seems to know about is being a real ^%&*$  renting out IP#s to a spammer that jumps from IP to IP. I've been manually copy-paste-message-source into SpamCops online reporting box. Time is taking it's toll and I just don't have enough of it to go through 36 emails accounts, so I manually delete them. 

I've been through here, again, today, reading through the ">> spamcop-flat-rate-email-account-setup/" But there seems to be no Flat Rate Email Account Setup, just a bevy of questions and answers - nothing about where, how, or how much to pay. 

I know your all very busy, so in point form I would like to ask:


  1. Is the SpamCop "Flat Rate Email Account" a email account, or a mail account that filters spam out of email, then send on to intended recipient?
  2. Either way, how much does it cost, where do we send money, sign up and such?
  3.  Does the FAQ need updating from "FAQ: Getting Mail From The SpamCop Email System By Jeff G., January 31, 2004" or do the instruction apply in 2021?


  1. I read that to Forward spam to SpamCop via email client (Thunderbird), we need send the source, not the email if in html. For Tbird, that means each spam needs to be opened, view source, copy, select all, create email to SpamCop.... (account id), paste source (text version), and send. 
    Is it possible to highlight all spam, then Forward it/all to "submit.blahblah........@spam.spamcop.net" or might that error out?
  2. cPanel has a email option to setting filters, but IP addresses are one at a time, so that's useless. Do any Gurus here know of a way to direct email to SpamCop's  reporting system from cPanel? My discussion with the folks at cPanel haven't helped. Using example: 323.423.312.* or 323.* or 323. or CIDRs like 321.323.232.1/12 don't work. 

I am going to try several ideas I have; there is a danger in that :)  I will try creating filters in Tbird, that will forward it to SpamCop if Tbird will convert the spam and forwarding headers to TEXT. 

I tried forwarding but received the following:

SpamCop encountered errors while saving spam for processing:
Message forwarded in html wrapper.

When forwarding spam, use a MIME attachment or text-type message with
the spam enclosed.  Do not send spam in HTML format.  Sometimes this
error is caused by using a "resend" feature to forward spam.

HTML spam should be sent in text (source code) format.

The email which triggered this auto-response had the following headers:
 Return-Path: <____@___________.___>
Received: from vmx.spamcop.net (prod-sc-smtp8.sv4.ironport.com [])
    by prod-sc-app008.sv4.ironport.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 0C93B937E6
    for <submit.__________________@spam.spamcop.net>; Thu, 14 Oct 2021 08:33:37 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks for the work ya all do,




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1 SpamCop email is no longer for new users, those that had/have one can still use it but only forwards email to you!
2 You can also "Forward email as attachment" to your "super secret " spamcop email address.

I use Gmail as my only email account. If I get spam I mark it as phishing if from Gmail I don't report (confident Gmail cancels account and disables links from your Gmail)
Seems I get a lot of Bitylinks which I report with a Bot scri_pt it works
If I get same or similar spam I report to registrar with this windows program, seems "namecheap" attracts spammers
Also gives web sites IP


Edited by petzl
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On 10/14/2021 at 11:03 AM, Outernaut said:

Serverion, as everyone seems to know about is being a real ^%&*$  renting out IP#s to a spammer that jumps from IP to IP.

I wonder how many spammers take advantage of the "try before buy" offer from some of the ISPs....

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