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IBP's new look


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IBP took down their systems today for a few hours ... brought them back up with a "new" look ... laughed a bit when I saw this Topic (edited out a few posts)

( http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?showtopic=183799 - actual link, but locked)

see the 'new' look at http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?showforum=224 p the Suggestions Forum

Posted by: Michael de Nelson Today, 02:05 PM

Hope it's okay I copied the top bar. I think removed the banner. My site is looking so much better

Posted by: Halton-Forum Today, 02:16 PM

Yea, looks nice.

Posted by: flesh_magick Today, 03:16 PM

I don't think its very nice to just rip things off of people like that.

You couldn't even change the color??

edit: I'm not trying to be mean, but you just took the exact top bar thats on here. lol

Posted by: Michael de Nelson Today, 03:27 PM

It's what I've been looking for as far as color.

WOw sheesh... wish I could skin like you.. then I wouldn't be in this situation huh

Not to mention I did change it and removed the blue bar, speaking of the blue bar it is the same in when you use it isn't it.

Posted by: Wazoo 2 minutes ago

I don't think its very nice to just rip things off of people like that.

You couldn't even change the color??

edit: I'm not trying to be mean, but you just took the exact top bar thats on here. lol

I'm sure not going to suggest a rip-off, but things sure looked a bit similar when I logged on here today. My 'dark bar' was installed and documented back in May ... http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=4146 ... not concerned with the looks as much as offering up the functionality ...

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Yes, it does look familiar. Hmm ... "not concerned with the looks as much as offering up the functionality ..." All that mauve and lavender, powder-blue, royal-blue and the odd touch of teal (well, the last on the Invision forum anyway), just "functionality"? Now here was I thinking your feminine side was getting a workout ;-)

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Matt had 'suggested' that RC1 of the 2.1 version might be released 'this week' ... oddly enough, the site has been down all day. I can ping the nameservers OK, but the site itelf has basically disappeared. At first, fguring that it was simply swamped with all the downloading involved, but .... SamSpade for Windows is coming back with;

08/19/05 15:38:47 ping www.invisionboard.com

Ping failed, no such host

08/19/05 15:46:45 Slow traceroute invisionboard.com

Trace invisionboard.com failed, no such host

Name Servers:



http://www.invisiondomains.com is still available, though using;

Name Servers:






http://www.dnsreport.com/tools/dnsreport.c...visionboard.com shows massive failures. Wow!

Kicked out an e-mail, but also noted that the domain for their tech contacts also have DNS issues ... different nameserver 'names' but the same IP addresses ..???

Edit a bit later: well they are back up. Their Forums are now fetting spalttered from all the hosted clients that had all their web-sites disappeared for the better part of the day also. Pointing to issues within their "DNS server farm" ... wierd.

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As for the problem itself, it was actually caused by a combination of a DoS attack against our DNS servers and a cPanel issue that ended up requiring intervention directly from cPanel, Inc.

Anyone have a clue as to what one could jack up in a CPanel that would take their own nameservers down? Not kowing how they've got things configured/located and such, but ...????

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