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Didn't receive SpamCop account configuration email

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Apologies, this question has probably been answered umpteen times (and as a former volunteer for Support of a large site I know how annoying that gets). I did read the whole FAQ and could not find a resolution to my problem.

I just joined SpamCop and am in the process of configuring all my email addresses. I was able to receive the configuration emails to all of my GMail accounts but for some reason the ones I had sent to my [at]hotmail.com address have not showed up (Requested them to be sent yesterday or so).

Would adding the spamcop domain to my contact list help? Nothing from spam Cop has shown up in my 'junk' mail folder. Or can I just re-request the config emails, or would that mess up the system?

Thanks, and sorry again for the probably repetitive and stupid question.

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If they haven't shown up by now, then yes, another request would be in order. However, with all the recent complaints about some lunacy involved with filtering at the MSN/HotMail system, this might be an impossible task at this point.

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spam complaints sent to various addresses .. abuse, piracy, postmaster, etc. are getting bounced back to sender as the e-mail "looks like spam" .... Technically, it appears that this filtering has been applied to only a portion of their server farm, such that some complaints go through, but more and more are being rejected.

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It is not unknown for these mailhost configuration EMails to get trapped along the way by one or more spam checking filters - so it is worth checking the messages aren't caught up somewhere.

The SpamCop admins are very helpful in resolving these issues when mailhost config doesn't work for a whole range of reasons.


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It is not unknown for these mailhost configuration EMails to get trapped along the way by one or more spam checking filters - so it is worth checking the messages aren't caught up somewhere.


Well, I've checked all of my folders including Junk/spam/whatever, and still nothing, despite requesting the mailhost config emails about three times. Can't exactly help if Hotmail trashes it before it even has a chance to get to me at all though :) FWIW even GMail occasionally throws a spamcop message into my spam folder..

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