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refused by blackhole site blacklist.spambag.org


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hostmaster[at]nic.or.kr delivery status notification

Spamcop hostmaster please write to:


to complain about this bad fake web site.

Or let me write directly.

The fake site is on:



so a whois report say:


but I cannot write it for this delivery status notification:

Remote MTA mail.nic.or.kr: network error

- SMTP protocol diagnostic: 550 5.7.1 Mail from refused by blackhole site blacklist.spambag.org

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Spamcop hostmaster please write to:


to complain about this bad fake web site.

I think you need to read the help and FAQ documents here to see what SpamCop does and what SpamCop does not do.

Or let me write directly.

SpamCop is not blocking you. Your IP address is listed in the spambag.org blacklist. Look at the spambag.org website to see what you can do about it.
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I think you need to read the help and FAQ documents here to see what SpamCop does and what SpamCop does not do.

I'm sure they say that take care of report to hostmaster owner of link in message body of spam mail.

SpamCop is not blocking you. Your IP address is listed in the spambag.org blacklist. Look at the spambag.org website to see what you can do about it.


My IP now is

The IP blocked probably is about a server of my provider.

I looked at spambag.org website but they ridicously speak about mail of 2003 year reponsible of the block.


I think they are in mistake.

Can you send the complain to hostmaster[at]nic.or.kr

they are simulating a bank web site.

It is urgent to close that website, or someone can fall in the trick.

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they are simulating a bank web site.
This is called a phishing attempt, or simply a "phish." You can learn more about phishing and report the phish at the Anti-Phishing Working Group website.

It is urgent to close that website, or someone can fall in the trick.

The trick is so old that basically nobody falls for it anymore. Even when people accidentally reveal information, the banks now have good countermeasures in place. Phishes are now annoyances, but no longer serious threats.
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I'm sure they say that take care of report to hostmaster owner of link in message body of spam mail.


No THEY don't. They are a computer program (no people to send any emails).

The computer program allows you to input your spam message and outputs a standard format report that YOU can send if you wish.

The spamcop report will also, if everything works correctly (no spammer tricks) send a complaint to the host of a spamvertized site. It never sends any messages to the real owner of the spoofed site. You are always free to send any email to anyone you wish. In this case you are encouraged to email your bank so they can address this on their real website with a warning.

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No THEY don't. They are a computer program (no people to send any emails).

The computer program allows you to input your spam message and outputs a standard format report that YOU can send if you wish.

for sure it is an automated procedure, but if the automated procedure has a bug, noone correct the problem?

>I'm sure they say that take care of report to hostmaster owner of link in message >body of spam mail.

It never sends any messages to the real owner of the spoofed site.


I was speaking about hostmaster of fake website.

www.withwith.or.kr in my case.

They take care of send report to the hostmaster with a link in the spam.

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for sure it is an automated procedure, but if the automated procedure has a bug, noone correct the problem?

I was speaking about hostmaster of fake website.

www.withwith.or.kr in my case.

They take care of send report to the hostmaster with a link in the spam.


As seen in my posted Tracking URL of your sample http://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z798360193zdd...484eb27b69ead6z ... the "bug" you are talking about appears to have been a problem in the way you submitted your spam. My "fixing things" due to the whitespace issues of this application made the "bug" go away.

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