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No body text provided, check format of submission. spam must have body text.

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Yes, I have been receiving some similar email. Also some text to my phone.

After pasting email into the spamcop form scroll down to where the body should be and add a line like "This text line added"

NOTE: Be sure to include a blank line between the end of the header (Bcc: x) and your added line to mark the end of the header.

Subject: Your order has been shipped!
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="000000000000fce9e705e6829dbe"
Bcc: x

<This is a blank line>

** This text line added **

Yes, "this line is a blank line" is like the "this page intentionally blank".  What can I do?

On 8/18/2022 at 2:36 PM, Sven Golly said:

emails incoming with just an image embedded and no text.

This is why in gmail I use the "Download Original", so I can get the image in what I report.

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