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No source IP address found, cannot proceed.


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hallo everybody!

I have reportet a lot of spam just in time the last few days but suddenly today I get the same comment to every spam report:

No source IP address found, cannot proceed.

obvious there are IP-adresses in the mail headers so can anybody help me to solve this problem? Would be very nice.

Paul Rath

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I just cut / pasted a spam into the parsing window .. a bit slow, but it parsed through just fine. So I'd have to suggest that there's something left out in your query. How are you submitting? What software is involved? Have you compared this recent problem spam with spam from the last few days with no problems to see if you can figure out what changed?

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Hi wazoo,

thank You for the fast reaction!!

I recive email by MS exchange server and open it with outlook 2000. I have free account for spam cop and report spam direct by the form in the internet.

I can not find out a difference between the spam I could report and the spam where reporting did not work.

I hope, I understood You right, I apologise my bad english and I must say: I am a simple computer-user; do not understand very much about whats happening behind or inside. So I hope, I can solve the problem with Your kind help!

Paul Rath

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