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Open Proxy URL needs replacing

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I got a reply to one of my reports just now, and it included the message sent by spam Cop to the service provider. That email included a link to https://www.spamcop.net/mky-proxies.html which redirects to http://spamlinks.net/proxy-fix.htm which redirects to which redirects to https://spamlinks.net/proxy-fix.htm which is a 404 error. Meanwhile the homepage for the domain it sits on is … not good.

You should probably update the URL.

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  • 9 months later...
3 hours ago, olddog55 said:


Ditto.  Still an issue. 

I re-submitted this issue via https://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=contactform  on 10 January 2024.  And 10 days later, still no response...

That is not a assessable tracking ling
Which is found at top of submission before you submit

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2 hours ago, petzl said:

That is not a assessable tracking ling
Which is found at top of submission before you submit

Sorry @petzl, but this issue has nothing to do with reporting links.  As pointed out by the OP, it's an in-house Cisco/Ironport/Spamcop issue.  They have an old bad URL in the report they send to the ISP contacts.

If you REALLY want the published reporting links (which has nothing to do with this issue.) I'd be glad to send you some.   I just counted 107 in the last 10 days logs alone.

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2 hours ago, olddog55 said:

They have an old bad URL in the report they send to the ISP contacts.

If you feel you have a better abuse/reporting address for an IP the sub forum for this forum, Routing/Reporting Address Issues is the place to support the SCBL and help update the data base. There are several examples to follow.

Other users may like a valid reporting URL so they can see, first hand, what the parser did and the results. In general there is a possibility that a second set of eyes may see something in the header missed by others.

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So you mean the report sent by SC to the link for administrator of the network where spam originates, can you post a copy of the email received from SC regarding the report sent to the ISP redacted or send PM to forum admin. I clicked on the 3 proxy links above and the error is page not found.

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This link in OP goes to bluekitchen a dodgy games site after a couple of redirects?

I have received one or two replies directly from the network admin responsible for sending the spam but I usually don't this looks like a scam or hack and should be investigated ASAP. On second thoughts I guess the links are old or in some old code just not sure how a domain name can ever be reused?

Edited by ninth
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6 hours ago, olddog55 said:

Sorry @petzl, but this issue has nothing to do with reporting links.  As pointed out by the OP, it's an in-house Cisco/Ironport/Spamcop issue.  They have an old bad URL in the report they send to the ISP contacts.

If you REALLY want the published reporting links (which has nothing to do with this issue.) I'd be glad to send you some.   I just counted 107 in the last 10 days logs alone.

Just getting doddery in old age sorry

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