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Configuring Outlook Express

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I'm really new to all this, but desperately trying to not have to deal w/my 50+ spam daily emails. I've been using spamcop to report. Just decided to sign up for the email filtering pgm., and have paid for it, logged in successfully to the the webmail account. My spam was successfully sent to the spamcop webmail account.

However, none of my Outlook Express mail was coming in. I believe I configured the POP account wrong. I want to keep my Outlook Express email address with my current ISP. Here's what I typed in to the spamcop email filtering box where you modify your POP 3 info, providing your current username (with your ISP), your password, and the POP 3 account: for POP 3 box, typed in: the POP 3 name that is set up in my OUtlook Express properties info as provided to me my by ISP, for user name, typed in my user name with my ISP, and my password. Is this right?

Then, i believe I'm supposed to re-configure my info with Outlook Express, going into tools, etc., and I changed my incoming pop3 info to : pop.spamcop.net, my user name to what I signed up for with spam email, and my password.

When I went back into Outlook Express and changed the POP3, username & password back to what it was, my email with Outlook Express started working.

So, I'm just confused as to what I did wrong.

Any help is most appreciated.

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This is part 2 of my prior post re: issue of my mail not being forwarded from spamcop. After having just re-reviewed FAQ on setting up your email, I find 2 different ways to re-configure your POP account w/Outlook Express.

In the POP section of your email program, it will want the POP server name, your username, and your password. Your username and password are exactly the same as you login to webmail with. The POP server name is pop.spamcop.net. That's it. Change those three items and your email program will start downloading your email from SpamCop instead of from your old ISP.

Above is #1.....pop.spamcop.net

#2 is on another help page and says: mail.spamcop.net (SEE BELOW)

Incoming email

You can retrieve your email from the mail server via POP (most common) or IMAP. In your email program, select mail.spamcop.net as the incoming mail server.

So, which one is it??


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...I took the liberty of merging your two topics "Configuring Outlook Express" and "popping mail problem" into one -- I retained the name of your first topic ("Configuring Outlook Express").

...Sorry, I don't know much about SpamCop E-mail, so I am unable to help you. However, there are others here that are quite familiar with it and will certainly be able to point you in the right direction.

...Good luck!

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So, which one is it??


mail.spamcop.net, imap.spamcop.net and pop.spamcop.net are currently all the same server, though that could change at any time. The current suggestion is to use pop.spamcop.net.

The FAQ on the www.spamcop.net pages is not changable on this end (other users of the service) and keeps more accurate and updated because of it.

If you want to continue giving out your current email address (outlook express is only for collecting any emails you may have), you need to either forward that account to spamcop of instruct spamcop to POP it using the settings currently working for OE (sounds like that was working in line "My spam was successfully sent to the spamcop webmail account."

You then need to configure OE to POP your email from spamcop but send through your current ISP settings. This link may help.

How I use my SpamCop E-Mail account examples

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Words, concepts, details ... and you've even got me a bit confused. Le's start at the top (actually this means a few sentences into your first post) ....

I want to keep my Outlook Express email address with my current ISP.

This is the start of some confusion. You are paying your ISP some money and in return, you have been provided an e-mail address at that ISP. You are using Outlook Express as you e-mail client of choice. That e-mail address still exists even if you wre to switch over to Thunderbird, Eudora, Pegasus, or any of a zillion other e-mail clients. Now you say you signed up for a SpamCop filtered e-mail account, which means simply that you've got a second e-mail account. Some folks have signed up for a free (or paid) HotMail account, a GMail account, etc .... these are just additional e-mail accounts ... some of them can be accessed using Outlook Express, oters are only accessible via a webbrowser (Internet Explorer, FireFox, Konquere, Opera, etc.) ... but again, there is a difference between the terms "e-mail account" and how they are accessed (and by what tools) Nothing at all at this point says that you have to change or stop using/advertising your ISP provided e-mail account. (again, this e-mail address has nothing to do with any software involved on your computer, it is simply an e-mail address you are using)

Use of the SpamCop filtered e-mail account can be accomplished in several ways. Let's pretend I think I understand what you did and try to go from there .... Yesterday, when you fired up your computer, started OE .. OE was configured to make a mail run and check your InBox at your ISP's e-mail server. Any e-mail found there was downloaded to your computer, OE processed it and threw it up on your screen. If I followed your story-line correctly .... today things go like this ... the SpamCop server talks to your ISP's server and any e-mail found at your ISP is now transferred to the SpamCop server. Some filtering, some handling occurs (see the various FAQ entries on all of those actions) .... sometime in the day you fire up your computer and start OE.. If you didn't remove your ISP account (or uncheck the "include this account .." box) your copy of OE is still going to check for e-mail at your ISP (possibly grabbing e-mail that arrives in between the SpamCop mail runs) .. then OE will check for e-mail (in the InBox) on the SpamCop server ... (in theory, obvious spam has been moved to the Held folder)

So bottom line, you can still tell your mom to send e-mail to the ISP account, it's received there, SpamCop server grabs it, and it's available the next time your copy of OE checks your SpamCop InBox ... your "work" involved telling the SpamCop server how to log into your ISP account to ftab that e-mail, then you need to tell OE how to grab your e-mail from the SpamCop server ....

As far as the confusion over the specific server name to use, as stated above, that data is out of my/our hands ... here's a snippet of my last e-mail to the folks that do have access to that data;

From: "Wazoo"

To: "SpamCop Support - JT"

Cc: "SpamCop, Deputies"

Subject: Fw: Set-up instructions & a bit more

Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 22:22:47 -0500

Update includes an entry in the www.spamcop.net FAQ also.


http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/347.html also includes

the mail.spamcop.net entry ... then further gets into the

certificates involved with SSL ... I've no clue on where

that issue may stand (beyond the original poster's comments)

As the 'original FAQ' is now included, added the Deputies to

this for RW's attention.

----- Original Message -----

From: "Wazoo"

To: "SpamCop Support - JT"

Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2005 11:18 AM

Subject: Set-up instructions & a bit more

> http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=4796

> started with a certificate issue, which then led into the server

> identification.  Per your posting from way back when;

> http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?...=findpost&p=921

> "We'd prefer you use pop.spamcop.net"

> Stevenunderwood's follow-up of;

> "pop.spamcop.net is the correct, updated server to use for POP.

> imap.spamcop.net is the correct, updated server to use for IMAP.

> mail.spamcop.net used to be the recommended server name and may still be

> listed in some of the documentation."

> some of the instructions should be updated.


> I found instructions referencing mail.spamcop.net at;

> http://mail.spamcop.net/members.php

> http://mail.spamcop.net/setup/setup_pop2.php


> I didn't/couldn't see if there's anything under

> http://webmail.spamcop.net/horde/imp  .. (if it exists)

> (changed from mail.spamcop.net/horde/imp somewhere in the past)

> -=-=-=-=-=-=-

> spam on the Forum ... have banned two users thus far,

> last week changed permissions of the Testing section

> denying posting to Guests and Banned due to some drive-by

> postings ...

> -=-=-=-

> The e-mail connection from the forum seems to be a hit/miss

> thing since back on the 14th ... would assume system load and

> timing as being the reason for some of the errors, yet also noting

> that some of the error log entries don't include an entry for the

> actual error.

> -=-=-=-=-=-

> In conjunction with the spamming issue, noted that the apache

> web access log was currently at about 1.5 Gig.  ...error log

> was over 40Meg, tail of that showing faveicon not found

> being the main entry.

> -=-=-=-=-

> Version 2.1 RC1 of the forum software was released yesterday,

> but no, still not ready for a production system.  On the other hand,

> setting up a test Forum with it would sure be appreciated.

I can only state that I've not received a response to any of this data.

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mail.spamcop.net, imap.spamcop.net and pop.spamcop.net are currently all the same server, though that could change at any time.  The current suggestion is to use pop.spamcop.net.

The FAQ on the www.spamcop.net pages is not changable on this end (other users of the service) and keeps more accurate and updated because of it.

If you want to continue giving out your current email address (outlook express is only for collecting any emails you may have), you need to either forward that account to spamcop of instruct spamcop to POP it using the settings currently working for OE (sounds like that was working in line "My spam was successfully sent to the spamcop webmail account."

You then need to configure OE to POP your email from spamcop but send through your current ISP settings.  This link may help.

How I use my SpamCop E-Mail account examples


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