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MailHost config for multiple forwards

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StevenUnderwood provided a great walk-through of multiple non-connected (other than to a SpamCop e-mail account) accounts at http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=3185 .... could I ask for a volunteer to do the same for the oft-asked-about scenario of one account forwards to another account that forwards to the SpamCop account?

I still believe that one must break that chain for the configuration process, but ... what do I know? And I realize that this configuration of e-mail accounts is not a normal thing but for few, so the pool of volunteers is probably not that great .... but this item is missing in the list of things to add to the knowledgebase being put together (and the existing FAQ, I might add)

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StevenUnderwood example actually will work for any configueration. The only additional step is to remember what order to register them in.

For those in accounting it is the LIFO method (Last In First Out).

You start with the very last hop the email takes which is the point at which you actually read the mail.

If you have email accounts that forward to the last point, then after the last point is registered you can start registering the forwarding address. If you have a long chain of forwards, you simple work them one at a time, always going backwards until you get to the point of where the email was initially addressed, the first stop before it begins the forwarding process. Just do not try to do them all at the same time. Complete each level first before moving back to the next forwarding level. It takes a little longer doing one level at a time, but it avoids the problem of doing them in the wrong order which has been known to generate errors.

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See, I thought I knew what I was aksing for, but .. when going to look for an example .... turned out to be a bit of a search and actually never did find what I thought I was looking for ... However, ....

http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?...indpost&p=20537 actually does talk to doing things not as suggested in the FAQ/graphic .... but suggesting that the result 'could' work out OK ..????

Maybe I'm just too tired ...??? Adding Steven's example was what I was going to do when it dawned on me that the forwarded-forwarded-forwarded scenario wasn't addressed, so wanted that data to add at the same time ... admitting that I was also trying to generate a list of "known problems" with the sequence, getting a bit frustrated with so many issues handled "off-line" and no feedback on what the solution was ....

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http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/397.html and its representations here http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=4068 and http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?act=faq&article=26 all state "Accounts should be configured in reverse order of email delivery. That is, if an email is received first at address A, then that account should be the last to be configured with SpamCop." There should be no "breaking of forwarding" necessary; in fact, "breaking of forwarding" could introduce problems if the MSP or ISP uses different servers (or at least Received Header Lines) to process mail it holds for its users than the servers it uses for forwarding. Here is an extension of http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=4068 to demonstrate my point in response to Wazoo's request:

Account A
. . . . |
. . . . v
Account B
. . . . |
. . . . v
Account C
. . . . |
. . . . v
Account D

Example 3

In example 3, Account D should be configured first, then C and then B and then A.

Now, if the forwarding isn't permanent (say Account B doesn't always forward to Account C), then Account B should be configured for Mailhosts using both configurations additively, to make sure that spam received using both configurations will be reportable using that SpamCop Parsing and Reporting Service Account.

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