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American Express


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I've been getting spammed by American Express for several months; I've reported them through spamcop but it continues as a slow but steady trickle. I called them a couple weeks ago and complained, they said they were very sorry and they would take my address off of the network, but it would take a couple weeks for it to stop. I waited a couple weeks, then called them back (because it didn't stop). I was told

1. We're sorry, but if you want to "opt out" you can write to ....(sorry, I didn't let them get any farther than that)

2. Yes, I'll let you talk to a supervisor

3. I can't tell you where we got your email address. We buy so many lists, it's impossible to tell you where it came from.

4. If you don't want to receive any more spam, you have to block our email address.

5. You asked a question and I'm trying to tell you how to do it. All of the email clients I am familiar with allow you to block an address. Thunderbird?, no, I haven't ever used that one.

6. Yes, I understand you report spam through spamcop, and if American Express's email addresses get blocked, that's ok.

So, what do I have to do to take them up on their offer? :D

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