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"release and whitelist" request


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It would be really nice to be able to click "release and whitelist" while viewing a message. Some messages are so OBVIUSLY spam, and others are obviously NOT spam, so those are easy enough to handle. However, there are times when some messages actually have to be opened to be verified as "not spam." It's times like this when it would be really nice to have a button/link at the top along with "report as spam" that would allow that sender to be whitelisted and that particular message released and the user taken back to the list of held messages.

For the record, this is a request for a new feature in the SpamCop Webmail system run by JT.

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Yes, that would be nice.  I assume you're talking about the Email System?


Yep... Sorry, should have made it clearer, but yes. :-) I've edited my original post to try and make it clearer.

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