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[Resolved] Yahoo Popgate not working?

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I think mine is working but I have just sent a test to myself. I will let you know when I receive it.

The last message I received via yahoo is: Received: from popgate.cesmail.net [] by mailgate.cesmail.net with POP3 (fetchmail-6.2.1) for x[at]spamcop.net (single-drop); Sat, 15 Apr 2006 10:13:10 -0400 (EDT)

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The system itself is working:

Received: from popgate.cesmail.net []
	by mailgate.cesmail.net with POP3 (fetchmail-6.2.1)
	for x[at]spamcop.net (single-drop); Sat, 15 Apr 2006 12:27:07 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from  (HELO mailgate.cesmail.net) (
  by mta206.mail.re2.yahoo.com with SMTP; Sat, 15 Apr 2006 09:19:06 -0700
Received: (qmail 532 invoked from network); 15 Apr 2006 16:19:05 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO epsilon.cesmail.net) (
  by mailgate.cesmail.net with SMTP; 15 Apr 2006 16:19:05 -0000
Received: (qmail 31887 invoked by uid 99); 15 Apr 2006 16:19:05 -0000
Received: from 66-168-115-246.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com
	(66-168-115-246.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com []) by
	webmail.spamcop.net (Horde) with HTTP for
	<x[at]spamcop.net[at]cesmail.net>; Sat, 15 Apr 2006 12:19:05 -0400

Your entries look correct so I am at a loss as to why it is not working for you. I would double check the account manually then make sure you wait at least 15 minutes. Has this ever worked for you?

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Yes, it was working for a while, then I deleted all entries for a few weeks and now I just re-entered them.

The only difference is that it was working before the stupid Yahoo beta thing a few weeks ago and now its not.

I've waited over an hour since I made the entries in the Spamcop options - no errors shown at all.



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Yes, it was working for a while, then I deleted all entries for a few weeks and now I just re-entered them.

The only difference is that it was working before the stupid Yahoo beta thing a few weeks ago and now its not.

I've waited over an hour since I made the entries in the Spamcop options - no errors shown at all.




Did you join some Beta test for your yahoo email? That may have changed the system enough (popgate simulates you logging in and downloading the messages) to break popgate. I have not joined (nor seen any offer) for a Yahoo webmail beta, but then I don't use yahoo webmail.

If you can not undo the beta thing, you ma need to contact JT through support[at]spamcop.net, though he mat not do anything during a beta period (i.e.likely to change again).

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Figured it out.. (wonder why is it that when I'm doing my taxes that I can figure out completely unrelated problems!!)

In Safari on the Mac - apparently I had accidentally accepted the Yahoo Beta invite - maybe Yahoo let me know that my browser was not supported - However, it allowed me to login but did not show me the new interface - so how would I know?.

Thats when the Spamcop problem started - the actual error - which I found in the log from Mr. Postman (a Yahoo Popping software) was "GET http://uk.f525.mail.yahoo.com/dc/system_re...r=blocked"

So that gave me the clue.

I started up Firefox on the Mac and I found that I was in the Yahoo Beta - which I quickly switched back to Classic. Voila - all problems solved!!!!



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Thanks for the feedback, solution .. tagging this as Resolved .... now, if you'd care to sort out the issues I'm having with finishing up the Schedule D (and of course all the other numbers that get impacted) on my folks' taxes <g>

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  • 3 months later...

I'm going to bump this old topic, because I appear to be having the same problem and the suggestions here have not resolved the problem.

My spamcop.net account pops email from 8 different accounts. Two of them are yahoo.com accounts. Both are set up properly (as I read the FAQs). The server is popgate.cesmail.net. The username is my email address at yahoo (email[at]yahoo.com). The password is my yahoo password for that screenname.

The first account works perfectly. It always checks mail. Great!

The second account works only infrequently. For example, it has not been working for the past month. I have tried re-setting the password with Yahoo, and then changing the password saved in Spamcop, but that did not help. I tried deleting the account from my Spamcop options page, and then adding it again - no luck. The error it generates is "Invalid password", but I have just logged in and verified that the password is correct. It is a combination of numbers and letters, and is all lowercase... so it's not a caps lock problem, either.

The strange part is that occasionally (in the past) when I reset the password, it will work. However, it would only pop mail once or twice before generating Invalid password errors again. I've changed passwords on this account numerous times over the past few months, and I've been met with occasional, temporary success. However, I now can't get it to pop... no matter what I try.

I am almost certain I never signed up for any beta test with yahoo on this account. I've trolled my yahoo preferences for it, and I can't find anything to turn off to go to "classic" mode... If this is the problem, can someone give me guidance where to look for this in the yahoo prefs?

I'd appreciate some guidance on this bizarre situation.

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I have previously described my problem with the Spamcop system: I have a Yahoo account that Spamcop cannot POP. I have it properly configured, and I have typed in my correct password. Spamcop says that the password is invalid. I can open up mail.yahoo.com and log in with the password, so I know it's good.

As I said before, I know I've configured it right because I have another yahoo account that pops just fine, without any password problems.

This problem is starting to drive me nuts, and I'm looking for guidance. Any suggestions?

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...Using GoodSearch.com on "POP Yahoo (mail OR email)" got me several hits. The first one pointed me to a Yahoo Help article. Might this explain your problem?

That was interesting reading. I've looked at my two yahoo accounts' settings, and I do not pay for pop service on either account. According to that site, I shouldn't be able to pop any mail to either account. But the one account works, and the other doesn't.

I wasn't aware that I needed the Yahoo paid pop service to work with Spamcop. Is that correct?

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That was interesting reading. I've looked at my two yahoo accounts' settings, and I do not pay for pop service on either account. According to that site, I shouldn't be able to pop any mail to either account. But the one account works, and the other doesn't.

I wasn't aware that I needed the Yahoo paid pop service to work with Spamcop. Is that correct?

You do not need to pay Yahoo for spamcop to pop yahoo email. The popgate server basically does the same thing you do when you go to the yahoo webmail page and transfers the data.

You might want to log into your Yahoo webmail account and see if there is any additional pop up happening. That was what happened when Yahoo started trying their beta service, the login had changed, causing problems for the popgate server.

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That was interesting reading. I've looked at my two yahoo accounts' settings, and I do not pay for pop service on either account. According to that site, I shouldn't be able to pop any mail to either account. But the one account works, and the other doesn't.
...That's not the way I read that article but it is certainly a reasonable interpretation. As I read it, you need to purchase Yahoo MailPlus service only if you have more than one account (but possibly for all accounts, not just #2 through #n).
I wasn't aware that I needed the Yahoo paid pop service to work with Spamcop. Is that correct?
...If those are Yahoo's rules then, yes, you do. But that isn't because SpamCop wants you to do so.... :) <g>

...Note, though, that the article I mentioned is only the first of many hits I got with GoodSearch. And Google usually provides even more hits than GoodSearch does. And I didn't even do a newsgroup search, only a web search. So there may be a lot more of interest than just this one.

...Good luck!

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I don't have the premium service either. I started having this same problem several months ago. On my POP configuration I get an "Unkown error: 4" and it is always the same Yahoo account. I sent an email to SPAMCOP help, (I am like techno newb) and never heard anything back, but the POP started working again after a month or so. I had left all the emails on the Yahoo account, and when it started working again I got deluged. I figured somebody found a problem someplace and just didn't have time to send out an email.

But then, it bombed again after only a couple weeks. Since I hadn't heard anything from my email query, I started experimenting by deleting the entry in my SC POP configuration and re-entering it (all the information was exactly the same, I just cut and pasted). It worked ok for maybe a couple weeks, then hicupped again. I tried the same fix again this time, but no luck, so I cut and pasted the same info in the configuration again, but put it in a different order. Still no luck.

I am going to go ahead and try the Google search like turetzsr mentioned and see what happens.

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I don't have the premium service either. I started having this same problem several months ago.

Hello: Do you have multiple yahoo accounts you are trying to POP? That is the issue here, one works, the others don't.

I only have one yahoo address, but mine has been rather solid for a long time now. Only when there is an uproar in here do I have issues. I have daily reminders and daily (during the baseball season) updates on scores and all are coming as expected.

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Hello: Do you have multiple yahoo accounts you are trying to POP? That is the issue here, one works, the others don't.

Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear. Yes. I have two Yahoo accounts and a 3rd email account from an ISP. Initially there were no problems, then the problem seemed to be intermittent, now I can only seem to POP one Yahoo account and the ISP account. The problem is always with the same Yahoo account. I am going to try removing the account that works from my POP configuration in SC and see what happens.

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You might want to log into your Yahoo webmail account and see if there is any additional pop up happening. That was what happened when Yahoo started trying their beta service, the login had changed, causing problems for the popgate server.

My Yahoo accounts are separate - two separate accounts under two separate logins (not two screen names that are associated with the same login.

I checked and I'm not getting any pop-ups when I log in, but then again I'm using Firefox. B)

If there's something I'm doing to cause this problem, I sure don't see it.

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My Yahoo accounts are separate - two separate accounts under two separate logins (not two screen names that are associated with the same login.

I checked and I'm not getting any pop-ups when I log in, but then again I'm using Firefox. B)

If there's something I'm doing to cause this problem, I sure don't see it.

OK, popup was the wrong word. When you log into both accounts, do you go through the very same prompts, same screens, etc? I would assume they were the same so that would not be the issue here. Just trying to eliminate some things.

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Well, I never figured it out. SpamCop started retrieving the mail from my Yahoo accounts again without any problem.

I tried deleting the one Yahoo account from my POP configuration that I wasn't having any trouble with to see if the issue was related to the number of Yahoo accounts I had. It wasn't. So I put the account info back into my POP configuration. After a few hours, I just hit the "modify" button in the configuration window to reset the error count, waited a few more hours, and did the same thing again (SC still wasn't retrieving the email from the one Yahoo account).

Finally, sometime today, SpamCop started retrieving the email from Yahoo as normal. Go figure. The wonders of technology. :huh:

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  • 1 month later...

I thought that I might have found the problem -- staying logged into the Yahoo! account while SpamCop was trying to retrieve email from Yahoo! inbox.

I logged out of the Yahoo account and spamcop started retrieving the emails from Yahoo again. Then, it quit working around Sept 7. No apparent reason. I tried deleting the Yahoo accont from the SC POP setup and reentering it, no good.

I still haven't been able to figure out why one yahoo account works fine, the other doesn't.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nope, this is going to be ongoing problem as Yahoo rolls outs its "new" service now in Beta - so periodically it will ask you to join into the Beta - and unless you indicate Later or yes, this problem will recur. What I want to know is if Popgate works with Yahoo Beta ??? Admins?


I thought that I might have found the problem -- staying logged into the Yahoo! account while SpamCop was trying to retrieve email from Yahoo! inbox.

I logged out of the Yahoo account and spamcop started retrieving the emails from Yahoo again. Then, it quit working around Sept 7. No apparent reason. I tried deleting the Yahoo accont from the SC POP setup and reentering it, no good.

I still haven't been able to figure out why one yahoo account works fine, the other doesn't.

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