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[Resolved] How long to wait for mailhost emails?

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I just decided to set up my hotmail account in Spamcop mail. I hope I did it the right way by entering it in Tools/Spamcop Tools/Pop Servers ... popgate.cesmail.net ... hotmail sign-in and password. Then I went to Mailhosts and entered it there and was told emails sent....still waiting 3 hours later.

Not on Hotmails own servers either. (tt's a grandfathered account, so I can pop it.)

Just disovered something interesting by the way; y pamcop mail and Forums passwords are different however I just found out that I can use either one at SC Mail...!!

Observaton, your forums work fine in Vista/IE7+ by the way.

Added later...sorry I thought I was posting to the Mailhosts forum...my mistake, please move it, thanks.

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I just decided to set up my hotmail account in Spamcop mail.


Then I went to Mailhosts and entered it there and was told emails sent....still waiting 3 hours later.

Not on Hotmails own servers either. (tt's a grandfathered account, so I can pop it.)


...Please see thread "No Email reply" in this Forum.
Added later...sorry I thought I was posting to the Mailhosts forum...my mistake, please move it, thanks.
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I just decided to set up my hotmail account in Spamcop mail. I hope I did it the right way by entering it in Tools/Spamcop Tools/Pop Servers ... popgate.cesmail.net ... hotmail sign-in and password. Then I went to Mailhosts and entered it there and was told emails sent....still waiting 3 hours later.

There are numnerous timezones involved here, so not sure of the correlation ... but "3 hours later" and the time showing as posted ... could be related to a dropout issue as seen in the "Reporting Server Status" graphic/link ....???? Srtting up the "e-mail account" thing would be handled on JT's systems, east coast, U.S. .... the MailHost configuration of your Reporting Account would be handled on the IronPort systems, west coast, U.S. ....

Just disovered something interesting by the way; y pamcop mail and Forums passwords are different however I just found out that I can use either one at SC Mail...!!

Shouldn't be possible .... different computers, different software, although located within the same datacenter, the last I knew this server was actually a few rows away from where he'd spend most on-site time (the e-mail side of the house)

Observaton, your forums work fine in Vista/IE7+ by the way.

On the other hand, a couple of folks have complained a lot over in the IPB support Forums, of course with the appropriate "works fine here" from other users also .... some folks stating that the lastest version of Safari crashes constantly, but again, others with no problems, some withh 'every now and then' (and noting that several of the IPB staff do their development work on Macs) ..... same deal woth FireFox ... it's gatting harder and harder thee days to be browser complaint with so many attemptung to "meet the standards" (but in their own way) ... <g>

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Ooops! I had my MSN Hotmail Junk Mail Filter settings not only on high, but to delete anything immediately...full apologies offered if anyone heard my cursing yesterday.


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