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why google does not index all pages?


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i have developed a site about programming. But google only indexed the default.aspx page. why google does not index all pages?

the adress of my site is ht tp://www. noktalivirgul. com

it indexes above site

but does not index ht tp://www. noktalivirgul. com/C_Sharp_Programlama_Dili.aspx

Moderator Edit: Posted into the How To Use the SpamCop Forum section .. yet obviously doesn't have anything to do with the use of this Forum. I also agree with Telarin .. I can't come up with any reason for asking such a question "here" other than Search Engine manipulation ....

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i have developed a site about programming. But google only indexed the default.aspx page. why google does not index all pages?
Dunno, ask Google. Maybe nameserver problems? h ttp://www. dnsreport.com/tools/dnsreport.ch

?domain=www .noktalivirgul. com

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