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spamcop robot recognized IP of spammer, but did not recognize link in spam body

I have received a spam:

spam body


d V k I e A k G q R t A

r V j A m L i I z U c M

m C a I b A i L j I a S

t A t M g B e I k E g N

l X q A r N h A o X

S v AV x E up to 6 t 0 % w f it f h ht tp://ww w.piokunt ungdesun. com

draft report show:

Finding links in message body

no links found

I follow this link and it redirect me to

redirect to ht tp://ww w.piokuntu ngdesun. com/9fd4193781442436ea4b52cbfc556e32/aspx/index.asp

ping ht tp://ww w.piokunt ungdesun. com

returned me IP -

which refer to CHINANET-FJ

Of cource, I have submitted it to

I have forwarded this spam to abuse[at]fjdcb.fz.fj.cn & anti-spam[at]ns.chinanet.cn.net

This link refer to pharmacy which located (???) on Bahamas, but return chineese IP

Moderator edit: links broken

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Nothing can be said without seeing the headers also ... normally done by providing a Tracking URL.

Even then, there are SpamCop FAQ entries here (and numrous previous postings) about the issue of spamvertised sites not resolving ... usually due to spammer control of the DNS servers / data ...

In this case, see all the Failures at http://www.dnsreport.com/tools/dnsreport.c...untungdesun.com

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