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Spamvertised site


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we are an ISP, our costumer hosts the nod32.pl site.

We are getting much email from spamcop, that nod32.pl is an spamvertised site.

Bute nod32.pl is an virus scanner, and nod32.pl adds to every email:

__________ NOD32 Informacje 1.1806 (20061017) __________

Wiadomosc zostala sprawdzona przez System Antywirusowy NOD32

http://www.nod32.com lub http://www.nod32.pl


So it is not an spamvertised site, it adds information that the email is scanned.

How can I inform, that spamcop do not send this abuse messages to our abuse address?



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My quick answer is that you can inform the SpamCop admins that you no longer wish to receive reports on that domain/URL. Here are some more details.

1. You are an ISP, and as such, you can get an "ISP password" from the SC admins. If you don't have one, you can contact the admins by starting here:


2. Before you do that, look at this:


3. Be sure to also look at this:


According to what I've seen on those pages, you should be able to contact the admins, get a password, then configure your "report selection preferences" so that you'll no longer receive notifications due to the inclusion of your URL in other people's messages.



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