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How to delete all messages

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Hi there. If you searched all over for help on how to Delete all messages in some folder on your webmail then you're in for a rude awakening. All I found was convoluted time-out avoidance schemes with using a mail client. Or discussions about the Held Mail mailbox. :excl:

I just deleted over 500 messages in a folder, and left the lower folders inside intact! Thank goodnes it's possible. Just go to folder manager screen, click button/box for that folder, and select action"Empty Folder. Why this is not even in the folder-screen-Help is sad. But it works! All lower folders are not touched.

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What an opportunity! The FAQ Development Forum section is available. The How to Use ....Forum section is available. The SCWiki is available. All that's needed is to have someone wite up your 'findings' as a FAQ entry or as part of a tutorial. An even wilder thought would be to attack/approach the Horde/IMP folks and suggest that they also 'fix' their Help file in the distribution ..??? Would have been so much easier had you done it, taken credit for the work .... assumedly, this is an 'interesting' question, seeing how it just came up (and was answered) in the newsgroups within the last couple of days ...????

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  • 3 months later...

... The How to Use ....Forum section is available. The SCWiki is available.

I am one of those users who doesn't want to build a system, just use it. Nor understands why there are so many places for FAQ and help sources. In fact I suppose you suggest I write my delete solution in the FAQ. But niether of the 2 FAQs in the grey bar at top of screen say Email FAQ. The Forum FAQ doesn't seem were I put a WEBMAIL technique. Nor is it current. Your June post says it's under construction. I am not being mean, just can't follow the online help.

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I am one of those users who doesn't want to build a system, just use it.
...This is a forum for "users helping other users." As such, we are pleased to have users who have discovered how to do something within spamcop (whether the reporting system or the e-mail system or the blacklist) to document it in the place others are most likely to find it -- the FAQ or Wiki. If you don't want to do that, okay, but then please don't complain when you find that something is missing from the FAQ!
Nor understands why there are so many places for FAQ and help sources.
...Well, if a kind person such as yourself would organize it all in one place, that would be wonderful! But I guess you're one of those users who wouldn't want to do that. Guess what -- so is everyone else here! :) <g>
In fact I suppose you suggest I write my delete solution in the FAQ. But niether of the 2 FAQs in the grey bar at top of screen say Email FAQ. The Forum FAQ doesn't seem were I put a WEBMAIL technique.
...Yes, a bit confusing. The "Forum FAQ" is a FAQ about the SpamCop Forum. The FAQ where you would document your delete solution would be the "SpamCop FAQ."
Nor is it current. Your June post says it's under construction.


...IIUC, you misunderstand -- "under construction" is not equal to "not current," in this case. It's ALWAYS under construction in that it is never finished because there might always be an additional question that becomes a frequently asked one (that is, asked more than once) and so merits treatment in that FAQ. :) <g> Unless you're referring to the note about the forum upgrade -- but it's still mostly valid.
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I am one of those users who doesn't want to build a system, just use it. Nor understands why there are so many places for FAQ and help sources.
The reason there are "so many places for FAQ and help sources" is it is the only way to try to deal with the multiple restrictions on access while also trying to make the information understandable to a vast array of individuals than can range from those who know almost nothing about computers and computer software but are now trying to use one, to system admins and other geeks who are looking for specific technical details and information.

The online help screen from within WebMail is part of the canned Horde software. No one in the SpamCop forums have any access to updating those files.

The official SpamCop FAQ is controlled by IronPort who will not make any changes without going through the legal department. And again, no one active in the SpamCop Forums has any influence when it comes to trying to get them updated.

So we (started by Wazoo, the Forum Admin who gets paid nothing for his work) have attempted to build a user created and maintain FAQ which is and always will be underconstruction.

The Forum FAQ deals with questions about the SpamCop Forum

The SpamCop FAQ deals with questions about the various SpamCop Tools

It is the most comprehensive FAQ and includes links to all the tools including the Forum FAQ, but its size has made it difficult to use.

The Wiki is the latest attempt to make a more user friendly cross referenced, indexed FAQ. The Wiki is a much better tool for build a FAQ, but so far there have been very few that have been interested to spend the time necessary to build the FAQ.

But this is simply rehashing old ground; which is restated as: you can continue to complain about the official FAQ's or you can do something about them by contributing to the user created FAQs

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