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Drop in spam due to Earthquake?


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Headline: Earthquake disrupts Internet access in Asia

"As a result, Taiwan's telecommunications infrastructure was hit hard, with just 40% of international calling capacity to the U.S. functioning normally, Chunghwa Telecom Co., the country's largest operator, said in a statement. Calling capacity to Japan and China was also affected, with 11% and 10% of capacity operational, respectively, the company said.

Damage to the cables also disrupted Internet access in China, Hong Kong and Singapore, Chunghwa said, noting that it will take up to three weeks to repair the affected cable systems.

In Beijing, a China Network Communications Group Corp. (China Netcom) representative, who gave only his surname as Chen, said some international connections had been affected. That disruption left some international Web sites accessible in Beijing, while others could not be reached. Chen did not know when full service might be restored. ..."

Just curious if anyone else has noticed a drop in spam, at least from Asia. About 1/2 the spam I was getting came from Asia and many of the websites referenced were also in Asia. Today none of it was from Asia.

reference URL, FYI:


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Not sure I see where/how this has a direct correlation to the use of a SpamCop.net e-mail account.

Moving this to the Lounge.

...Looks to me like a good move. Also looks to me like an interesting question posted by the OP! My provider's filters keep almost all spam out of my Inbox these days so I can't answer from my experience.
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Just curious if anyone else has noticed a drop in spam, at least from Asia. About 1/2 the spam I was getting came from Asia and many of the websites referenced were also in Asia. Today none of it was from Asia.

I don't get a lot of spam originating in Asia (hosted spam websites are another matter ...) but true, I've not seen any originating from China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia or Singapore at all for a few days, which is not quite unusual - yet. I get a quite different "sampling" at work (also usually low on Asian sources) but since I can't get headers over Outlook Web Access that lot will have wait until I am back at my desk following this break I am on. Of course I could always slip in and have a peek. Nah, I couldn't.
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... (hosted spam websites are another matter ...)...
Actually, speaking of that, I fancy there's been an actual drop in the number of CN-hosted spamvertizements over the past few days. They were present in about 50% of all resolved links in "my" spam flavors until a few days ago, I can only recall just one out of the last few batches. I didn't know the spam factories/botnets were so reactive. Still don't quite believe it.
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Just curious if anyone else has noticed a drop in spam, at least from Asia.

Don't know if the drop is from Asia, but I see a drop in my received spam data today. I have not collected any data on the source just the count.

In defense of my ISP, look at the volume for the last year and you can see where additional ISP spam filters were turned off (jumps in spam volume).

It will be interesting to watch what happens over the next few days

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