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I recently upgraded my account with my Internet provider. Part of the service I receive for paying a premium is allowing port 25 again. I still have to deliver mail through their server but I can have mail come to me directly. I wanted to update my MailHost settings on SpamCop as any garbage I am now receiving directly can't be reported. The email from admin.spamcop.net arrives, sendmail processes it saying it "sent" it to may ID but it is going nowhere. The email from SpamCop on my password reset for this forum arrived without problem. I have tried changing my mailhost using the standard method 20 or more times, each time it fails the same way. I tried changing my mx record to a different server but SpamCop didn't like the altered header.

What other options are there for adding a mailhost?

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What other options are there for adding a mailhost?

The methods to add a mailhost after receiving the probe:

1.You can forward the probe with full headers (usually forward as attachment) to the email address indicated on the probe email.

2.You can paste the full message with headers into the web page indicated on the probe email.

3.You can contact the deputies[at]admin.spamcop.net to help. Include Mailhost in the subject line as indicated in the pinned entry in this forum.

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