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How to config mailhosts with the same orgnization

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I have 2 emails from 2 different servers within the same organization, say



When I added the host, one was always replaced by the other since only work.edu was recognized, not ser1 or ser2. Is this going to be a problem reporting spam? How to fix this problem?

Another question, Could somebody tell me how to config gmail mailhost? Thanks,


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"We" have tried to document this over and over .... so wondering how you slid over all that data ...

You are asking about "e-mail accounts" whereas the MailHost Configuration of your Reporting Account deals with the hosts/servers involved. One account, one hundred accounts, this really doesn't matter .. it's the server/host (chain) that handles that e-mail that is what is trying to be 'defined' ...

The final results of a successful effort are seeing a successful parse of your next spam submittal.

As far as GMail, what exactly is your problem with the MailHost Configuration process? It is an additional MailHost, so you "add" another MailHost. You seem to have gone through the process itself repeatedly now. What isn't working for GMail?

It does not appear that I'll answer your PM, as it appears to be a duplicate of this post, which is the way things are supposed to work around here.

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I am sorry if I missed the frequently asked questions and answers. But what I am actually talking about is regarding the servers, not the email accounts.

The two email accounts I have are from two different mail servers within the same organization. So they both have same domain name, say work.edu, but two different server names: serv1 and serv2. When I tried to config both of them, spamcop could recognize both, but always replace one with the other, which means I can only config one of them, not both.

Question about gmail is different. I could not get it configed at all. since it's not listed in the help (how to get full header) like yahoo, I had to ask.



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The two email accounts I have are from two different mail servers within the same organization. So they both have same domain name, say work.edu, but two different server names: serv1 and serv2. When I tried to config both of them, spamcop could recognize both, but always replace one with the other, which means I can only config one of them, not both.

I get confused sometimes trying to remember the definitions of what is a host, what is a domain and how servers fit in. However, I believe that if spamcop knows who work.edu is, it also knows how many servers are used by work.edu. For hotmail configuration there is a huge list of servers.

So even if it only shows one, it does know about the other. I am wrong, of course, if the parser won't parse something from one, but will from the other. You can always cancel the report if it doesn't work.

It has been a while since I did the mailhosts configuration, but do you need to get headers to do a mailhost configuration? Are we talking about the same process? Maybe you mean 'forward as attachment'?

I usually avoid mailhosts questions, as I didn't have any problem configuring mine and I am technically non-fluent - though I have picked up some terminology and the basic concepts of email and blocklists.

I don't know how helpful I have been, but it sounds as though you are not using the correct terminology to get an answer to your question.

Miss Betsy

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