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Identical spam keeps getting through.

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I don't understand why SpamCop can't filter spam which is almost identical every time. For example:

Hello! I am tired tonight. I am nice girl that would like to chat with you. Email me at zp[at]NearOut.info only, because I am writing not from my personal email. Wanna see some pictures of me?

This particular spam has been going on for months, and the wording rarely varies (if at all). Why doesn't it get filtered?

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If you are using the spamcop email service, it would probably be better to post in the spamcop email forum.

I suspect that you need to tweak your filters and users of the spamcop email service could give you tips on how to do that. They may not look in this forum because it is for issues in the process of reporting spam.

OTOH, if you are simply reporting the spam as a Reporting only client, reporting does not stop spam from coming to you unless you use the spamcop blocklist to either reject or tag the spam to a separate folder. You can do this in some filters. One, I believe, is Mailwasher, but again, it would be better to post in their user group for information on how to tweak your filters.

If this did not answer your question, please post again.

Miss Betsy

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Miss Betsy has said it all but I cannot resist adding that what is particularly objectionable about that particular 'brand' of spam for me is that it's 'author' apparently doesn't care about the difference between 'tired' and 'bored' (the slightly more effective variation on the theme). If one wanted to explore the possibilities with a 'nice' girl in the first place. A highly energetic and inventive slapper would have more general appeal, surely? These people have negligible marketing skills, that's what makes it all so much worse for me!

Off for a nice cold shower now.

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Miss Betsy has said it all but I cannot resist adding that what is particularly objectionable about that particular 'brand' of spam for me is that it's 'author' apparently doesn't care about the difference between 'tired' and 'bored' (the slightly more effective variation on the theme).

"Lost in translation" as they say..

Roget's Thesaurus has these synonyms for "bored"; fed up, jaded, revolted, satiated, tired, weary. If you don't know the language (English in this case) it's easy to pick the wrong one.

In passing I note that *some* of these spams do use "bored" instead of tired.

Try putting "I am bored" into the ever-amusing Babelfish and translating to Russian. You get "Я пробурен".

Use Babelfish again to translate back to English and you are presented with, "4 it is drilled". That spam could have been so much more interesting :-)

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What I don't get is what's the use of this spam anyway. The e-mail headers are forged, the e-mail you need to 'reply' to does not work, so what gain is there for this spammer?

Is this one of those waves of spam to prepare the spam filters for the 'profitable' spam e-mails in the months to come or is this a typical 'Gouranga' spam campaign?

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  • 2 weeks later...

IN reply to the Miss Betsy it is quite apparent that the Spammer is more likely to be from near Seattle Washington or Washington DC. Since I also have been dealing with this spam to the degree that I closed my own IPB board VW site for all practical purposes, yet still receive these mysterious emails that are most certainly done from the Inside. Obviously as conspiracy theories go the work of either Paul Allen, Bill Gates or the US Government. secretly undermining competitors as those they would consider to be threats to Power.

The question is not that you received the spam, but why did you receive the spam.


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I don't understand why SpamCop can't filter spam which is almost identical every time.

Although Paul is probably reporting these, the focus of his question surely has more to do with SpamCop Email accounts, so....what's it still doing here in the Reporting forum?

(hey, Wazoo...another move is in order)


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IN reply to the Miss Betsy it is quite apparent that the Spammer is more likely to be from near Seattle Washington or Washington DC. Since I also have been dealing with this spam to the degree that I closed my own IPB board VW site for all practical purposes, yet still receive these mysterious emails that are most certainly done from the Inside.

No idea about your location data or conspiracy theory .. again, no data provided to work with.

What does "closing your IPB board" have to do with 'receiving a specific type of spam?

Although Paul is probably reporting these, the focus of his question surely has more to do with SpamCop Email accounts, so....what's it still doing here in the Reporting forum?

(hey, Wazoo...another move is in order)

I'll agree, it seems pretty certain, but ..... yet another user that goes through the effort of Registering so as to be able to make a post, then never seems to come back ....???? Sure, responses could have been read while browsing as a Guest, but ....?????

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  • 3 years later...
Well, the first post COULD be a spammer... after all, he did give you all the link to check out.

I've never really understood the use of that sort of email spam... even normal adds on your inbox, annoying as they can be, have more chances of getting someone interested than these sort of "covert" adds.

The ones I understand the least, however, are the Nigeria type scam emails. As easy to spot as spam, but with a much harder goal... who ever falls for that stuff?

This actually seems to be more in line with Lounge fodder but ....

Las summer, a 'local' legal firm had three out of seven partners involved in the loss of almost $2 million U.S. .. seems one of them fell for it, and the 'profit potential' was so amazing, the other two idiots decided to join in.

In the headlines yesterday was a guy losing $200,000 U.S. .. money wired to 'save' the 'kidnapped' girlfriend he'd met on-line a couple of months back.

[edit - quoted post moved to "Reported and spam"]

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