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recent spike in erectile spam


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since last week or so i've seen a spike in viagra spam. has anyone else experienced the same?

the From: header reads 'Sales'. the messages are coming from all over, israel, japan, germany, great britian, usa, etc. from the looks of the ip addresses i'd guess most senders are part of a bot-net, and i have seen a few from what appears to be a cracked server (the ip's are not pool handouts). it just seems that for the past week or so there's been a huge spike.

regards, paul

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since last week or so i've seen a spike in viagra spam. has anyone else experienced the same?

the From: header reads 'Sales'. the messages are coming from all over, israel, japan, germany, great britian, usa, etc. from the looks of the ip addresses i'd guess most senders are part of a bot-net, and i have seen a few from what appears to be a cracked server (the ip's are not pool handouts). it just seems that for the past week or so there's been a huge spike.

I have seen no major change in my pattern. I get 15-20 per week on average, all in my Held Mail folder.

Perhaps you have gotten onto a new list... welcome ;)

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Perhaps you have gotten onto a new list... welcome

maybe, but they're being sent to an email address i've had for 10 years and is widely published. i thought i already was on all the lists.

spam from hotmail accounts is up slightly, but none of the new viagra spam is coming from hijacked or fake hotmail accounts. it's all high-speed pools, dialups (i guess), and the occasional hacked server.

regards, paul

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since last week or so i've seen a spike in viagra spam. has anyone else experienced the same? ...
Nope, though my accounts are heavily filtered (by ISP). I have noticed an increase in another type of spam in the stuff that gets through - but that's probably just a function of the filtering (in)efficiency rather than of the source volume. I suspect a lot of apparent short-term 'patterns' are, in fact, artifacts of ISP filtering. Maybe you're not affected but many others will be, and not all of them will be aware of it.
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Maybe you're not affected but many others will be, and not all of them will be aware of it.

hi farelf - i'm not, my mail server is connected directly to the net. i check my server every morning and consequently have a close eye on what's going on. when i notice a marked increase like i have something must be up. i just wanted to know if any other admins out there were noticing it too.

regards, paul

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Thanks Paul,

Ok - any comment from those in a position to monitor more-or-less undiluted spam streams? From the description it sounds like someone may have hired a botnet for a new foray. Less and less of us ordinary users are in a position to see that sort of activity. Though I guess there's some sort of degradation of network performance globally, if the spike is big enough, which would be noticeable. It would be nice to have a handle on causes, or some inkling.

[Aside] I was thinking the internet was on the way out last week, for sure. Turned out it was (mostly) a dying router, possibly misliking confinement in a poorly ventilated cabinet shared with other heatsources. Though the firmware update may have played a part. Requisat in pace.

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