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IP not blocked, but why are my emails being treated as spam?


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My site, infinite0.com, is not blocked by spamcop, but it seems that mail services like gmail and hotmail are blocking my emails. These emails are being sent out by SMF and are pretty standard. Other SMF emails I get from other sites do not become marked as spam.

On an interesting and related note, gmail marked spamcop's email validation email as spam.


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My site, infinite0.com, is not blocked by spamcop, but it seems that mail services like gmail and hotmail are blocking my emails.<snip>
...Since you aren't asking about the spamCop blacklist, I am moving this forum thread from the "SpamCop Blocklist Help" forum to the "SpamCop Lounge" forum, which I believe is a better fit.
On an interesting and related note, gmail marked spamcop's email validation email as spam.


...Known problem: see forum threads "No mailhost probes getting through, Does Gmail block SpamCop?" and "Gmail: gotchas, mini-How To, and questions."
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