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Cures For Sure Com at Simplenet.com


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While I'm at it I would like to ask a similar question on another spammer. I make it another thread because it is a little different in another way.

This one also gets through having been sent to my spamcop email (I think). I typically get 5 or 6 perday. All identical but sent from all over the world, with a couple of Egyptian ISPs being prominent. (Link.net, Tedata.com). Why do they get through spamcop?

However it is different from other spam in that the website listed at the bottom is a disguised website not picked up by spam filtering since they write it as "cures for sure com", not curesforsure.com. I have looked at the site and it seems to be a porn site, with no contact information. It traces to Simplenet.com, an ISP in California. I have called them and they acknowledge the site as being part of one of their clients, but they do nothing to remove it. I have to think they are willing spammer partners.

Does anyone else receive these and is there any other way to stick it to simplenet?

X-IronPort: hrndva-mx07.mail.rr.com 34764147


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Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 06:01:41 -0100

From: "John R. Murray" <uysvca[at]vcet.org>

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Subject: Bright side

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Cures for Sure com



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