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Lots of pharmacy spam

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Please forgive me if this is a faq.

Lately I've had a lot of spam with subjects like "Online RX shop with Mastercard and Visa" get past the spamcop filters. When I report this stuff, the spamcop reporting data nearly always says "Reports regarding this spam have already been sent".

So... Howcome the spamcop filters aren't catching this stuff?

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First of all, are you a spamcop email customer? Is that what you mean getting by the spamcop filters?

Second of all, a Tracking URL (which is in the FAQ) is necessary to discuss why a particular submission has a particular response from spamcop.

I may be thinking of something else than you have described, but I can't think of how you would get such a comment: "Reports regarding this spam have already been sent" when submitting a spam to the parser.

If you are an email customer, there are several discussions in the Email forum on how to tweak your filters so that you don't see those emails in your inbox.

Miss Betsy

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When I report this stuff, the spamcop reporting data nearly always says "Reports regarding this spam have already been sent".
I only see this when I try to submit a message that has already been submitted through SpamCop (usually when I hit the back button or try to run SpamCop in two browsers at once).

As Miss Betsy says, we need to know a bit more about how you use SpamCop. When do you first see these spams, in your inbox or on a SpamCop page? What do you do with them once you have seen them (i.e., how do you submit them to SpamCop)?

-- rick

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OK. I read my spamcop email with Thunderbird. In turn, I've set my spamcop account to fetch my mail from my work email account. When I report spam, I log in to webmail.spamcop.net and just click the "report spam" link. Then I get a [spamcom]quick reporting data email. I see "this spam has already been reported" when I look at the report.

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OK. I read my spamcop email with Thunderbird. In turn, I've set my spamcop account to fetch my mail from my work email account. When I report spam, I log in to webmail.spamcop.net and just click the "report spam" link. Then I get a [spamcom]quick reporting data email. I see "this spam has already been reported" when I look at the report.

This helps, but I am still confused. What happens to the mail that is cleared by SpamCop as non-spam? Where do you send it in order to be able to read it from Thunderbird? In other words, do you forward out from SpamCop? I'm suspecting a mail loop but have little info to go on. In any case I am not an expert on the webmail service. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable may come along shortly.

-- rick

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Thank you...

From those headers we see:

X-spam-Level: *

X-spam-Status: hits=2.0 tests=HTML_MESSAGE,URIBL_BLACK version=3.2.3

So you would need your SpamAssassin settings really low (perhaps even 1 depending on how the rounding works) for this message to be caught by those rules.



None of these IP addresses are currently listed in the blocklist and only 2 have reports against them. Your report is the only report shown against the last IP, so there is no reason for spamcop to block it here.

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Your report is the only report shown against the last IP, so there is no reason for spamcop to block it here.


Using Steven's information, I guess the 9th was your lucky day! Someone has to be first. The subject looks familiar but mine no dough came from another source.

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