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[Resolved] User Notifications


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when i am reporting spam and i use the "user notification" feature, when i look at "recent reports" and the "user notification", i don't see where my "comments" are in the report..

for example, if i get a "nigerian scam" email and i want to report it, and i see that the criminal is using a "hotmail" email account, i will report it to "MSN".. in the comments section, i will explain that the criiminal is using the email account "ambassadorjoe[at]hotmail.com", for example, but, when i look at the report, in "recent reports", it doesn't show my "comments" where i explain that the email is a nigerian scam and that the criminal is using the email account "ambassadorjoe[at]hotmail.com"..

or it could be one of the many "geocities" webpages that is being exploited, where i report it to "yahoo" and, in my comments, i explain that the webpage "geocities.com/frankwall" is being exploited, but, when i look at the report, in "recent reports", it doesn't show my "comments" where i explain that "geocities.com/frankwall" is being exploited by "spammers"..

maybe the recipients of the reports do see my "comments", but i don't see them in the reports when i look at them.. if my comments are not being included in the reports, then, in some cases, at least, the recipients of the reports will not know why they are recieving them..

why should spamcop have an option for "comments" if the comments are not included in the reports?

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when i look at "recent reports" and the "user notification", i don't see where my "comments" are in the report
When you're looking at your "Past Reports," you're looking at the spam you reported, not the report that SpamCop sent. We don't keep copies of reports. We only keep copies of the spam.

If you want to see the comment you're sending out, use the "Preview Reports" button before you send the reports. Your "User Notification" report will be the last one displayed when you scroll through the reports you're about to send.

Or send yourself a report so you can see what the comments look like when they get to the destination.

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -

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