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Reporting on-line form spammers


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Is there any way of reporting spammers who use spam tools of some kind to complete on-line forms?

These two were received today:

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by

(our e-mail address) on Sunday, March 30, 2008 at 16:38:17


name: air compressor

information: yes

register: yes

other_organisations: If you are looking for an <a href



Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by

(our e-mail address) on Sunday, March 30, 2008 at 16:06:44


name: swimming pool pump

information: yes

register: yes

other_organisations: Zhejiang Dayuan Group is to be as a leading enterprise group for manufacturing <a href



This company, or someone spoofing their IP address is a frequent "form filler" - all advertising spam. Needless to say, we have absolutely no interest in pumps of any kind!

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http://www.spamcop.net/sc?track= shows reporting addresses:




You could make a "manual" report to those, including your evidence, inviting enforcement of AUP/TOS/CRA provisions (trusting there are such - I believe even the Chinese have them, they just don't write them down in English).

Spamhuntress addresses non-email forms of spamming in particular, there may be specialist resources and methods to be found there.

If it is just the one address (or range) it should be possible to block it by arrangement with your network administrator, worst case. Others here may be able to advise on that, if they knew your general networking arrangements (access to/control of server and logs, etc.). Whatever - yes it is "doable", you can do it. There will be other pests, your solution(s) should take this into account. Don't let them get you down.

Slan na gael!

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...Moved to the Lounge Forum section after deciding that the Reporting Help Forum section just wasn't the right place for this .....
That was from New Feature Request, I think, JFTR. Yes, Lounge is better in any event.
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That was from New Feature Request, I think, JFTR. Yes, Lounge is better in any event.

Valid point. I was wrapped up in the 'new location' decision process, whether a PM was needed, etc. My note did leave out the 'current' location.

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If you run your own forum, you can also add any TOS requirements you like. Forum spam is not protected under the US's I CAN spam laws.

For example

Any unauthorized use of <Site Name> computer systems is a violation of the <Site Name> Terms of Service, Universal spam Policy, and certain federal and state laws, including the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (18 U.S.C. § 1030 et seq.), Such violations may subject the sender and his or her agents to civil and criminal penalties. (Copied from Yahoo Anti-spam policies as an example)

That would then allow you be file criminal or civil claims again the sites the spammers are advertising. This is mostly useful when the spammer id working for US/Canada based porn and dating sites.

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