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Reporting Spam via Outlook/Webpage


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I use Outlook 2000 on Windows XP Professional with an ISDN connection. When spam manages to get through Spamcop and thus into my inbox I'm currently unable to report it.

If I try and send it via email I always get an email back saying there was an error processing it. If I try to report it on the webpage via the 'Report spam' forms I get one of the following <note that I've tried the all-in-one form and the outlook/eudora form and get the same results from each> :

1. Without the 'Technical Details' checkbox ticked

SpamCop version 1.3.4 © SpamCop.net, Inc. 1998-2004 All Rights Reserved

spam Header

This page may be saved for future reference:


Please make sure this email IS spam:

<and that is all I get, nothing further so ican't submit it>

2. With the 'Technical Details' checkbox ticked

SpamCop version 1.3.4 © SpamCop.net, Inc. 1998-2004 All Rights Reserved

spam Header

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Skip to Reports

Return-Path: <Reece1945[at]cgocable.net>

Delivered-To: x

Received: (qmail 1835 invoked from network); 6 Apr 2004 12:51:27 -0000

Received: from unknown (

by blade6.cesmail.net with QMQP; 6 Apr 2004 12:51:27 -0000

Received: from bep1.adl2.internode.on.net (HELO internode.on.net) (

by mailgate.cesmail.net with SMTP; 6 Apr 2004 12:51:26 -0000

Received: from localhost.labf.org (unverified [])

by internode.on.net (SurgeMail 1.8g3) with ESMTP id 33371986

for multiple; Tue, 06 Apr 2004 22:21:21 +0930 (CST)

Return-Path: <Reece1945[at]cgocable.net>

Received: from c-24-19-118-161.client.comcast.net (c-24-19-118-161.client.comcast.net [])

by localhost.labf.org (8.12.8/8.11.0) with SMTP id i36BafTh032168

for <x>; Tue, 6 Apr 2004 21:06:43 +0930

X-Message-Info: AUAPI+q0+mjy+UR+189/921155784048023

Received: (qmail 79484 invoked by uid 25); Tue, 06 Apr 2004 06:14:28 -0700

Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2004 12:16:28 -0100

Message-Id: <6969________4928[at]Sherwood2655[at]mchsi.com>

From: Olen Sherwood <Sherwood149[at]mchsi.com>

To: Holly <x>

Subject: Fwd: Prescription-free. All orders filled. _XANAX_./V/alium.V1c'odin.V1AgR.RFHPSCVX

MIME-Version: 1.0 (produced by glaucomabiota 8.8)

X-Content-Type: multipart/alternative;


X-Server: High Performance Mail Server - http://surgemail.com

X-Vpipe: Scanner said clean (/root/work/vscand/vscand)

<and that's it, nothing else so I still can't report it>

So how on earth *does* one report spam that gets through the filters now????!! I used to be able to report it fine via the webpage but it no longer seems to work!

Any tips/pointers would be greatly appreciated!



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Both of those links worked for me and provided areas for reporting.

The first one wants to report to: internode.com.au along with the URL

The second only to internode.com.au

How long has this been happening? Can you try it from another machine? another browser?

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Both of the links under "This page may be saved for future reference:" seemed to have checkboxes and be waiting to be reported. You should either report or cancel the reports.

There are a number of people who are having problems with email submissions being returned with errors.

Try this topic:


I don't think anyone has come up with a consistent explanation of why email submissions don't work and web page cut and paste does. There are a number of spams being sent that the parser won't parse (no message body, incorrect boundaries, no entry in bcc, headers mixed in with the message to name a few that I remember). Also emails that aren't forward as attachment don't seem to work well any more.

Since I don't know much about Outlook, I can't help with what you could try to get email submissions to work again.

Miss Betsy

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