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Can't log in to webmail

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I know my account has not expired and I *know* what my password is, but for some reason I can't log into webmail... anyone else having a problem this afternoon (Saturday, 12:38PM Eastern)

I know I had several thousand emails in my account, but I am either done downloading them (finally...got my PC back up and running) or am in the process of downloading them as I type this.

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It is several hours after you have posted, but I am not having any problem logging into Webmail. If you have thousands of messages, it could make logging in very slow.

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It is several hours after you have posted, but I am not having any problem logging into Webmail. If you have thousands of messages, it could make logging in very slow.

No... I finally got in. It was giving me the "invalid login information." I finally got in by manually visiting https://webmail.spamcop.net instead of http://... not sure why that worked, but it did.

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