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all-ink1.com reporting address


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SpamCop won't report to the default reporting address, ip[at]all-ink1.com, so I am suggesting that all reports for the IP range - should be sent to abuse[at]lambdanet.net, per whois.abuse.net.

FWIW, I've also posted this in spamcop.routing, but thought I'd try to get the most bang for my buck. :)

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Thanks mrmaxx. As someone posted "over there", the infamous "hyphen" thing again. If the address is to be over-ridden for a range maybe it is just as easy to over-ride with the hyphenated address. Anyway, have you eMailed the deputies?

I wonder why it's taking engineering so long to unleash their undoubted talents and proven problem-solving abilities on this one? Reminds me ...

"Hello, this is Nigel Featherstonehaugh-St John here, and I was wondering ..."

"Sorry Sir, could you spell your name for me?"

"What? Oh yes, Nigel? It's N-I-G-E-L ."

"Thank you sir, and the rest?"

"Oh yes, it's F-E-A-T-H-E-R-S-T-O-N-E-H-A-U-G-H, hyphen, S-T, space, J-O-H-N"

"Thank you sir, and how do you spell 'hyphen'?"

Well, maybe you had to hear it - in some circles Featherstonehaugh being pronounced 'fahnshaw' and St John 'sinjin' (some swearing in the latter case only for given names, others - of the St John persuasion - begging to differ, but I digress).

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I wonder why it's taking engineering so long to unleash their undoubted talents and proven problem-solving abilities on this one?
The "hyphen" problem has been fixed, along with some other stuff. Now we're waiting for the new code to be published. Maybe by the end of August. Maybe.

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -


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