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Level3.com / twtelecom.net


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I've been receiving a lot of spam from the above domains. I've been reporting them for a long time, but they haven't taken any actions to to fix the problem on their end. Is it even worth it to continue reporting them? Are they listed on the SCBL?
SpamCop doesn't put domains on the blocking list. It only contains the IP addresses of mail servers.

If you have a specific IP you're interested in, you can check its status at this page:


- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -


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I've been receiving a lot of spam from the above domains. I've been reporting them for a long time, but they haven't taken any actions to to fix the problem on their end. Is it even worth it to continue reporting them? Are they listed on the SCBL?
Well, it's on an IP address by IP address basis - you would need to check on http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml to find out at any given time. A larger picture is from SenderBase, like http://www.senderbase.org/senderbase_queri...g=twtelecom.net which doesn't seem to pick up anything for twtelecom (blocklists). Level3 is large - the graph function at http://www.robtex.com/dns/level3.com.html gives some idea. It is quite possible for large amounts of spam to leak through from a large network without triggering action on any given server.

Yeah, it is frustrating when it just keeps on and on. But spam runs don't last forever and member reports count towards the listing criteria - even though an individual reporter can't cause an IP address to be listed, the reporting 'community', together, will achieve it if there is enough spam from particular sources. And *not* reporting just isn't in the equation.

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