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Need consultant--honest emailer is blocked


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I am not a technical person. Anyone can add an email address to our database because we dont have a double opt in system on our forms. We recently showed up on blocklists.

Therefore, how do I locate a consultant who can

1. locate an eliminate the infringing address in our database

2. add the double opt in code to our forms

Best to contact me directly:

Bob Richards


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I am not a technical person. Anyone can add an email address to our database because we dont have a double opt in system on our forms. We recently showed up on blocklists.

Therefore, how do I locate a consultant who can

1. locate an eliminate the infringing address in our database

2. add the double opt in code to our forms

Although it can easily be assumed that one of the BLs involved was probably the SpamCopDNSBL, this was not specifically stated. Therefore, this looks like Lounge material.

No mention at all of the IP Address involved, no mention of the tools involved, etc., etc., etc. Another indication of Lounge material.

No mention of just who is hosting what/where. No mention of just what access is/would be available.

Moving this to the Lounge with this post. This Blocklist Help Forum section is for trying to actually work out the issue more directly.

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Probably if you ask your internet service provider, they would be able to recommend someone. I have a feeling that, until you are technically more savvy, you should not hire someone on the internet. You can buy a used car without knowing anything about cars, but it is usually best to get the advice of someone you know.

Miss Betsy

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