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[Resolved] Receiving spam after "Resolved by ISP"


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I received this response to a reported message:

"ISP has indicated spam will cease; ISP resolved this issue sometime after Monday, December 08, 2008 10:32:29 AM -0800"

The date of the message reported was Tue, 09 Dec 2008 08:06:29 -0800. Why shouldn't the ISP know that the spam is still being sent after it was supposedly resolved?

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... Why shouldn't the ISP know that the spam is still being sent after it was supposedly resolved?
Hi Bob. When ISPs acknowledge the problem and assure SC deputies they are working on it, a moratorium on reports may be requested/granted while they get on with the job. If the flow is unabated after 24 hours or so the deputies might reconsider. But yes, member reporting should be re-enabled to score against the IP addresses if the promised action is not completed in reasonable time. Reports to the ISPs are another matter - they are never obliged to receive reports - those are merely a courtesy/heads up.
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